▼Nboost | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Ntraits | |
Caccess< Eigen::VectorXd, Dimension > | |
Caccess< pm::Vertex, Dimension > | |
Caccess< pm::Vertex::RawCoords, Dimension > | |
Cclosure< pm::Triangle > | |
Ccoordinate_system< Eigen::VectorXd > | |
Ccoordinate_system< pm::Vertex > | |
Ccoordinate_system< pm::Vertex::RawCoords > | |
Ccoordinate_type< Eigen::VectorXd > | |
Ccoordinate_type< pm::Vertex > | |
Ccoordinate_type< pm::Vertex::RawCoords > | |
Cdimension< Eigen::VectorXd > | |
Cdimension< pm::Vertex > | |
Cdimension< pm::Vertex::RawCoords > | |
Cindexed_access< pm::Edge, Index, Dimension > | |
Cpoint_order< pm::Triangle > | |
Cpoint_type< pm::Edge > | |
Ctag< Eigen::VectorXd > | Adapts Eigen::VectorXd to boost.geometry |
Ctag< pm::Edge > | Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Edge to boost.geometry |
Ctag< pm::Triangle > | Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Triangle to boost.geometry |
Ctag< pm::Vertex > | Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Vertex to boost.geometry |
Ctag< pm::Vertex::RawCoords > | Adapts Vertex::RawCoords to boost.geometry |
▼Nfmt | |
Cformatter< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime > > | |
Cformatter< Eigen::WithFormat< ExpressionType > > | |
Cformatter< precice::io::TXTTableWriter::DataType > | |
Cformatter< precice::mesh::BoundingBox > | |
Cformatter< precice::utils::Parallel::CommState > | |
Cformatter< precice::utils::RangePreview< Iter > > | |
Cformatter< precice::utils::statistics::DistanceAccumulator > | |
Cformatter< std::array< T, n > > | |
Cformatter< std::deque< T, Allocator > > | |
Cformatter< std::map< T, Compare, Allocator > > | |
Cformatter< std::pair< F, S > > | |
Cformatter< std::set< T, Compare, Allocator > > | |
Cformatter< std::vector< T, Allocator > > | |
▼Nprecice | Main namespace of the precice library |
►Nacceleration | Implementations of acceleration schemes |
►Nimpl | |
CConstantPreconditioner | Preconditioner that uses the constant user-defined factors to scale the quasi-Newton system |
CParallelMatrixOperations | |
CPreconditioner | Interface for preconditioner variants that can be applied to quasi-Newton acceleration schemes |
►CQRFactorization | Class that provides functionality for a dynamic QR-decomposition, that can be updated in O(mn) flops if a column is inserted or deleted. The new column is orthogonalized to the existing columns in Q using a modified GramSchmidt algorithm. The zero-elements are generated using suitable givens-roatations. The Interface provides fnctions such as insertColumn, deleteColumn at arbitrary position an push or pull column at front or back, resp |
CgivensRot | |
CResidualPreconditioner | Preconditioner that uses the recent residual to scale the quasi-Newton system |
CResidualSumPreconditioner | Preconditioner that uses the residuals of all iterations of the current time window summed up to scale the quasi-Newton system. This is somewhat similar to what is done in the Marks and Luke paper |
CSVDFactorization | Class that provides functionality to maintain a SVD decomposition of a matrix via successive rank-1 updates and truncation with respect to the truncation threshold eps |
CValuePreconditioner | Preconditioner that uses the values from the previous time window to scale the quasi-Newton system |
CAcceleration | |
►CAccelerationConfiguration | |
CConfigurationData | |
CDefaultValuesIMVJ | |
CDefaultValuesIQN | |
CUserDefinitions | |
CAitkenAcceleration | |
CBaseQNAcceleration | Base Class for quasi-Newton acceleration schemes |
CConstantRelaxationAcceleration | |
CIQNILSAcceleration | Interface quasi-Newton with interface least-squares approximation |
CIQNIMVJAcceleration | Multi vector quasi-Newton update scheme |
►Naction | Actions to modify exchanged data |
CAction | Abstract base class for configurable actions on data and/or meshes |
►CActionConfiguration | Configures an Action subclass object |
CConfiguredAction | Stores configuration information temporarily to create the Action |
CPythonAction | Action whose implementation is given in a Python file |
►CRecorderAction | Action that records invocations for testing purposes |
CRecord | |
CScaleByAreaAction | |
CSummationAction | Action that adds multiple source data into target data |
►Ncom | Data communication abstraction layer |
►Nserialize | Serialization logic |
CSerializedBoundingBox | Serialized representation of a mesh::BoundingBox |
CSerializedBoundingBoxMap | Serialized representation of a BoundingBoxMap |
CSerializedConnectionMap | Serialized representation of ConnectionMap |
CSerializedMesh | Serialized representation of mesh::Mesh |
CSerializedStamples | Serialized representation of CouplingData |
CAsVectorTag | |
CCommunication | Interface for all interprocess communication classes |
CCommunicationConfiguration | Configuration for communication channels between a primary and its secondary ranks. The communication between two solvers is configured in m2n::M2NConfiguration |
CCommunicationFactory | |
CConnectionInfoPublisher | |
CConnectionInfoReader | Reads the connection info for the given participant/rank information |
CConnectionInfoWriter | Writes the connection info for the given participant/rank information |
CMPICommunication | Provides implementation for basic MPI point-to-point communication |
CMPIDirectCommunication | Provides connection methods for processes located in one communicator |
CMPIPortsCommunication | Provides connection methods based on MPI ports (part of MPI 2.0) |
CMPIPortsCommunicationFactory | |
CMPIRequest | |
CMPISinglePortsCommunication | Provides connection methods based on MPI ports (part of MPI 2.0) |
CMPISinglePortsCommunicationFactory | |
CRequest | |
CSocketCommunication | Implements Communication by using sockets |
CSocketCommunicationFactory | |
CSocketRequest | |
►CSocketSendQueue | |
CSendItem | |
►Nconfig | |
CConfiguration | Main class for preCICE XML configuration tree |
CLogConfiguration | Configures the log config file to use |
►CParticipantConfiguration | Performs XML configuration of a participant |
CWatchIntegralConfig | |
CWatchPointConfig | |
►Ncplscheme | Implementations of coupling schemes for coupled simulations |
►Nimpl | |
CAbsoluteConvergenceMeasure | Measures the convergence from an old data set to a new one |
CAbsoluteOrRelativeConvergenceMeasure | Measures the convergence from an old data set to a new one |
CConvergenceMeasure | Interface for measures checking the convergence of a series of datasets |
CRelativeConvergenceMeasure | Measures the convergence from an old data set to a new one |
CResidualRelativeConvergenceMeasure | Measures the convergence from an old data set to a new one |
►CTimeHandler | |
CImpl | |
►Ntests | |
CDummyCouplingScheme | Used to test CompositionalCouplingScheme |
►CBaseCouplingScheme | Abstract base class for standard coupling schemes |
CConvergenceMeasureContext | Holds meta information to perform a convergence measurement |
CBiCouplingScheme | Abstract base class for coupling schemes with two participants |
CCompositionalCouplingScheme | Acts as one coupling scheme, but consists of several composed ones |
CCouplingData | |
CCouplingScheme | Interface for all coupling schemes |
►CCouplingSchemeConfiguration | Configuration for coupling schemes |
►CConfig | |
CExchange | |
CConvergenceMeasureDefintion | |
CImplicitData | |
CMultiCouplingScheme | A coupling scheme with multiple participants |
CParallelCouplingScheme | Coupling scheme for parallel coupling, i.e. simultaneous execution of two coupled participants |
CSerialCouplingScheme | Coupling scheme for serial coupling, i.e. staggered execution of two coupled participants |
►Ndetail | |
Chas_size_and_data | |
Chas_size_and_data< T, void_t< decltype(detail::size(std::declval< T >())), decltype(detail::data(std::declval< T >()))> > | |
Cis_complete | |
Cis_complete< T, decltype(sizeof(T))> | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container_element_type_compatible | |
Cis_container_element_type_compatible< T, E, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< decltype(detail::data(std::declval< T >()))>::type, void >::value &&std::is_convertible< remove_pointer_t< decltype(detail::data(std::declval< T >()))>(*)[], E(*)[]>::value >::type > | |
Cis_span | |
Cis_span< span< T, S > > | |
Cis_std_array | |
Cis_std_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cspan_storage | |
Cspan_storage< E, dynamic_extent > | |
►Nimpl | |
CDataContext | Stores one Data object with related mesh |
CMappingContext | Holds a data mapping and related information |
CMeshContext | Stores a mesh and related objects and data |
CMeshDataKey | Type that represent a compound key of two values |
►CParticipantImpl | Implementation of Participant. See also pimpl ideom (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/pimpl) |
CMappedSamples | |
►CParticipantState | Holds coupling state of one participating solver in coupled simulation |
CIntermediateExport | |
CReadDataContext | Stores one Data object with related mesh. Context stores data to be read from and potentially provides a read mapping. Additionally stores Waveform object associated with _providedData |
CWatchIntegral | Track and output transient integral data on a mesh |
CWatchPoint | Observes and exports coordinates of a point on the geometry |
CWriteDataContext | Stores one Data object with related mesh. Context stores data to be written to and potentially provides a write mapping |
►Nio | Import and Export of the coupling mesh and data |
CExport | Abstract base class of all classes exporting container data structures |
CExportConfiguration | Configuration class for exports |
CExportContext | |
CExportCSV | |
CExportVTK | Writes polygonal, or triangle meshes to vtk files |
CExportVTP | |
CExportVTU | |
CExportXML | Common class to generate the VTK XML-based formats |
CTXTReader | File reader for matrix/vector in Matlab V7 ASCII format |
►CTXTTableWriter | File writer for table-data in text-format |
CData | Represents one data entry to be written |
CTXTWriter | File writer for matrix in Matlab V7 ASCII format |
►Nlogging | Logging framework |
CBackendConfiguration | Holds the configuration for one logging backend (sink) and takes care of default values |
Ccolorized_severity_formatter_factory | A custom formatter that handles the colorized Severity formatting |
CGlobalLoggingConfig | Holds global logging data in a central place |
►CLogger | This class provides a lightweight logger |
CLoggerImpl | |
CLogLocation | Struct used to capture the original location of a log request |
CNullSink | A custom sink that does nothing. It is used to disable the default sink of boost.Log |
Cprecice_feature | A feature that adds LogLocation info to log attributes |
Cprecice_log | Required by BoostLogger to use precice_feature |
Cseverity_formatter_factory | A custom formatter that handles non-colorized Severity formatting |
CStreamBackend | A simple backends that outputs the message to a stream |
Ctimestamp_formatter_factory | A custom formatter that handles the TimeStamp format string |
CTracer | |
►Nm2n | Logic of the parallel communication between participants |
CBoundM2N | An M2N between participants with a configured direction |
CDistributedComFactory | |
CDistributedCommunication | Interface for all distributed solver to solver communication classes |
CGatherScatterComFactory | |
CGatherScatterCommunication | Implements DistributedCommunication by using a gathering/scattering methodology. Arrays of data are always gathered and scattered at the primary. No direct communication between secondary ranks is used. For more details see m2n/DistributedCommunication.hpp |
CM2N | M2N communication class. This layer is necessary since communication between two participants can be working via several meshes, each possibly with a different decomposition. In principle, this class is only a map from meshes to DistributedCommunications |
►CM2NConfiguration | Configuration for communication channels between solvers |
CConfiguredM2N | |
CPointToPointComFactory | |
►CPointToPointCommunication | Point-to-point communication implementation of DistributedCommunication |
CConnectionData | This data structure is used to store m2n communication information for the 1 step of bounding box initialization. It stores: |
CMapping | Defines mapping between: |
CWhiteboxAccessor | Struct giving access _useOnlyPrimaryCom |
►Nmapping | Data mapping from points to meshes |
CAxialGeoMultiscaleMapping | Geometric multiscale mapping in axial direction |
CBarycentricBaseMapping | Base class for interpolation based mappings, where mapping is done using a geometry-based linear combination of input values. Subclasses differ by the way computeMapping() fills the _interpolations and by mesh tagging. Mapping itself is shared |
CCompactPolynomialC0 | Wendland radial basis function with compact support |
CCompactPolynomialC2 | Wendland radial basis function with compact support |
CCompactPolynomialC4 | Wendland radial basis function with compact support |
CCompactPolynomialC6 | Wendland radial basis function with compact support |
CCompactPolynomialC8 | Wendland radial basis function with compact support |
CCompactSupportBase | Base class for RBF with compact support |
CCompactThinPlateSplinesC2 | Radial basis function with compact support |
CDefiniteFunction | Base class for RBF functions to distinguish positive definite functions |
CGaussian | Radial basis function with global and compact support |
CGinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver | |
CInverseMultiquadrics | Radial basis function with global support |
CLinearCellInterpolationMapping | Mapping using orthogonal projection to nearest triangle/edge/vertex and linear interpolation from projected point |
CMapping | Abstract base class for mapping of data from one mesh to another |
►CMappingConfiguration | Performs XML configuration and holds configured mappings |
CConfiguredMapping | Configuration data for one mapping |
CExecutorConfiguration | |
CGeoMultiscaleConfiguration | |
CGinkgoParameter | |
CRBFConfiguration | |
CMultiquadrics | Radial basis function with global support |
CNearestNeighborBaseMapping | |
CNearestNeighborGradientMapping | Mapping using nearest neighboring vertices and their local gradient values |
CNearestNeighborMapping | Mapping using nearest neighboring vertices |
CNearestProjectionMapping | Mapping using orthogonal projection to nearest triangle/edge/vertex and linear interpolation from projected point |
CNoCompactSupportBase | Base class for RBF without compact support |
CPartitionOfUnityMapping | |
CPetRadialBasisFctMapping | Mapping with radial basis functions using the Petsc library to solve the resulting system |
CPolation | Calculates the barycentric coordinates of a coordinate on the given vertex/edge/triangle and stores the corresponding weights If all barycentric coordinates are positive, the operation is interpolation. If not, it is an extrapolation |
CRadialBasisFctBaseMapping | Mapping with radial basis functions |
CRadialBasisFctMapping | Mapping with radial basis functions |
CRadialBasisFctSolver | |
CRadialBasisParameters | Wrapper struct that is used to transfer RBF-specific parameters to the GPU |
CRadialGeoMultiscaleMapping | Geometric multiscale mapping in radial direction |
CSphericalVertexCluster | |
CThinPlateSplines | Radial basis function with global support |
CVolumeSplines | Radial basis function with global support |
CWeightedElement | Struct that contains weight and index of a vertex |
►Nmath | General mathematical constants and functions |
►Ngeometry | Provides computational geometry operations |
CConvexityResult | |
CBspline | |
►Nmesh | Mesh, Data and primitives |
CBoundingBox | An axis-aligned bounding box around a (partition of a) mesh |
CChain | |
CData | Describes a set of data values belonging to the vertices of a mesh |
►CDataConfiguration | Performs and provides configuration for Data objects from XML files |
CConfiguredData | |
CEdge | Linear edge of a mesh, defined by two Vertex objects |
CIndexRangeIterator | |
CMesh | Container and creator for meshes |
CMeshConfiguration | |
CTetrahedron | Tetrahedron of a mesh, defined by 4 vertices |
CTriangle | Triangle of a mesh, defined by three vertices |
CVertex | Vertex of a mesh |
►Npartition | Partitioning of distributed meshes |
CPartition | Abstract base class for partitions |
CProvidedPartition | A partition that is provided by the participant |
CReceivedPartition | A partition that is computed from a mesh received from another participant |
CReceivedPartitionFixture | |
►Nprofiling | Profiling utilities |
CDataEntry | |
►CEvent | |
COptions | |
CEventRegistry | |
CFundamentalTag | Tag to annotate fundamental events |
CNameEntry | |
CProfilingConfiguration | Configuration class for exports |
CScopedEventPrefix | Class that changes the prefix in its scope |
CStartEntry | |
CStopEntry | |
CSynchronizeTag | Tag to annotate synchronized events |
CTimedEntry | An event that has been recorded and it waiting to be written to file |
►Nquery | Geometrical queries |
►Nimpl | |
CIsDirectIndexable | |
CIsDirectIndexableHelper | |
CPrimitiveTraits | Type trait to extract information based on the type of a Primitive |
CPrimitiveTraits< mesh::Edge > | |
CPrimitiveTraits< mesh::Tetrahedron > | |
CPrimitiveTraits< mesh::Triangle > | |
CPrimitiveTraits< pm::Vertex > | |
CPtrVectorIndexable | Makes a utils::PtrVector indexable and thus be usable in boost::geometry::rtree |
CRTreeTraits | The type traits of a rtree based on a Primitive |
CVectorIndexable | Makes a std::vector indexable and thus be usable in boost::geometry::rtree |
►CIndex | Class to query the index trees of the mesh |
CIndexImpl | |
CMatchType | Struct to hold the index of a primitive match |
CMeshIndices | |
CProjectionMatch | Struct representing a projection match |
►Ntesting | Testing framework |
CConnectionOptions | |
CDataContextFixture | |
CParallelCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CParticipantState | Represents a ParticipantState in a test |
CRanks | |
CSerialCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CTestContext | |
CWaveformFixture | |
CWhiteboxAccessor | Struct giving access to the impl of a befriended class or struct |
►Ntime | Time interpolation logic |
CSample | |
CStample | Stample containing timestampled Sample |
CStorage | |
CTime | |
CWaveform | Allows to perform interpolation on samples in storage of given data |
►Nutils | Precice-related utilities |
►Npetsc | PETSc related utilities |
CKSPSolver | |
CMatrix | |
CVector | |
CViewer | |
►Nstatistics | |
CDistanceAccumulator | |
CComponentWiseLess | |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< B1 > | |
Cconjunction< B1, Bn... > | |
CDoubleAggregator | An accurate aggregator for doubles with usability in mind |
CIndexMaps | Provides mappings of indices for dimensions 2 and 3 |
CIndexMaps< 2 > | |
CIndexMaps< 3 > | |
CIntraComm | Utility class for managing intra-participant communication operations |
CLockNotFoundException | |
CManageUniqueIDs | Manages a set of unique IDs |
CMPIResult | |
CMultiLock | Class handling multiple locks allowing global lock and unlock operations |
CMultiLockException | |
►CParallel | Utility class for managing MPI operations |
CCommState | |
CPetsc | Utility class for managing PETSc operations |
CRangePreview | The RangePreview object used as a lazy proxy struct for proviewing the content of a Range |
CStringMaker | Utility class to build a string from C functions with output pointers and static maximum length |
CStringMatch | |
Ctransform | |
Ctype_transform | |
►Nxml | XML configuration parser |
►CConfigParser | |
CCTag | Struct holding the read tag from xml file |
CConfigurationContext | Tightly coupled to the parameters of Participant() |
CNoPListener | No operation listener for tests |
CXMLAttribute | |
►CXMLTag | Represents an XML tag to be configured automatically |
CListener | Callback interface for configuration classes using XMLTag |
CParticipant | Main Application Programming Interface of preCICE. Include using #include <precice/precice.hpp> |
Cspan | A C++ 11 implementation of the non-owning C++20 std::span type |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_element< I, precice::span< ElementType, Extent > > | |
Ctuple_size< precice::span< ElementType, Extent > > | |
CAccelerationSerialTestsFixture | |
CAlmostDegenerateTetrahedronFixture | |
CCallbackHost | |
CCallbackHostAttr | |
CColumn | |
CCompositionalCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CContextListener | |
CExplicitCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CFlippedTetrahedronFixture | |
CFunnyTetrahedronFixture | |
CMeshSpecification | |
CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype | |
CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 1 > | |
CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 2 > | |
CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 4 > | |
CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 8 > | |
COneTetraFixture | |
CParallelImplicitCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CParallelTestFixture | |
CPreciceTestLoggingFixture | |
CResPreconditionerFixture | |
CSerialImplicitCouplingSchemeFixture | |
CTable | |
Ctest_case_printer | |
CTetrahedronFixture | |
CUnitSquareFixture | |
CVertexSpecification | Holds rank, owner, position and value of a single vertex |