preCICE v3.1.2
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Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs
precice::cplscheme Namespace Reference

contains implementations of coupling schemes for coupled simulations. More...


namespace  constants
namespace  impl
namespace  tests


class  BaseCouplingScheme
 Abstract base class for standard coupling schemes. More...
class  BiCouplingScheme
 Abstract base class for coupling schemes with two participants. More...
class  CompositionalCouplingScheme
 Acts as one coupling scheme, but consists of several composed ones. More...
class  CouplingData
class  CouplingScheme
 Interface for all coupling schemes. More...
class  CouplingSchemeConfiguration
 Configuration for coupling schemes. More...
struct  ImplicitData
class  MultiCouplingScheme
 A coupling scheme with multiple participants. More...
class  ParallelCouplingScheme
 Coupling scheme for parallel coupling, i.e. simultaneous execution of two coupled participants. More...
class  SerialCouplingScheme
 Coupling scheme for serial coupling, i.e. staggered execution of two coupled participants. More...


using PtrCouplingScheme = std::shared_ptr<CouplingScheme>
using PtrCouplingSchemeConfiguration = std::shared_ptr<CouplingSchemeConfiguration>
using PtrCouplingData = std::shared_ptr<CouplingData>
using DataMap = std::map<int, PtrCouplingData>

Detailed Description

contains implementations of coupling schemes for coupled simulations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DataMap

Definition at line 16 of file SharedPointer.hpp.

◆ PtrCouplingData

Definition at line 15 of file SharedPointer.hpp.

◆ PtrCouplingScheme

Definition at line 13 of file SharedPointer.hpp.

◆ PtrCouplingSchemeConfiguration

Definition at line 14 of file SharedPointer.hpp.