preCICE v3.1.2
No Matches
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
precice::mapping Namespace Reference

contains data mapping from points to meshes. More...


namespace  impl
namespace  tests


class  AxialGeoMultiscaleMapping
 Geometric multiscale mapping in axial direction. More...
class  BarycentricBaseMapping
 Base class for interpolation based mappings, where mapping is done using a geometry-based linear combination of input values. Subclasses differ by the way computeMapping() fills the _interpolations and by mesh tagging. Mapping itself is shared. More...
class  CompactPolynomialC0
 Wendland radial basis function with compact support. More...
class  CompactPolynomialC2
 Wendland radial basis function with compact support. More...
class  CompactPolynomialC4
 Wendland radial basis function with compact support. More...
class  CompactPolynomialC6
 Wendland radial basis function with compact support. More...
class  CompactPolynomialC8
 Wendland radial basis function with compact support. More...
struct  CompactSupportBase
 Base class for RBF with compact support. More...
class  CompactThinPlateSplinesC2
 Radial basis function with compact support. More...
struct  DefiniteFunction
 Base class for RBF functions to distinguish positive definite functions. More...
class  Gaussian
 Radial basis function with global and compact support. More...
class  GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver
class  InverseMultiquadrics
 Radial basis function with global support. More...
class  LinearCellInterpolationMapping
 Mapping using orthogonal projection to nearest triangle/edge/vertex and linear interpolation from projected point. More...
class  Mapping
 Abstract base class for mapping of data from one mesh to another. More...
class  MappingConfiguration
 Performs XML configuration and holds configured mappings. More...
class  Multiquadrics
 Radial basis function with global support. More...
class  NearestNeighborBaseMapping
class  NearestNeighborGradientMapping
 Mapping using nearest neighboring vertices and their local gradient values. More...
class  NearestNeighborMapping
 Mapping using nearest neighboring vertices. More...
class  NearestProjectionMapping
 Mapping using orthogonal projection to nearest triangle/edge/vertex and linear interpolation from projected point. More...
struct  NoCompactSupportBase
 Base class for RBF without compact support. More...
class  PartitionOfUnityMapping
class  PetRadialBasisFctMapping
 Mapping with radial basis functions using the Petsc library to solve the resulting system. More...
class  Polation
 Calculates the barycentric coordinates of a coordinate on the given vertex/edge/triangle and stores the corresponding weights If all barycentric coordinates are positive, the operation is interpolation. If not, it is an extrapolation. More...
class  RadialBasisFctBaseMapping
 Mapping with radial basis functions. More...
class  RadialBasisFctMapping
 Mapping with radial basis functions. More...
class  RadialBasisFctSolver
struct  RadialBasisParameters
 Wrapper struct that is used to transfer RBF-specific parameters to the GPU. More...
class  RadialGeoMultiscaleMapping
 Geometric multiscale mapping in radial direction. More...
class  SphericalVertexCluster
class  ThinPlateSplines
 Radial basis function with global support. More...
class  VolumeSplines
 Radial basis function with global support. More...
struct  WeightedElement
 Struct that contains weight and index of a vertex. More...


using PtrMapping = std::shared_ptr<Mapping>
using PtrMappingConfiguration = std::shared_ptr<MappingConfiguration>


enum class  Polynomial { ON , OFF , SEPARATE }
 How to handle the polynomial? More...
enum class  BasisFunction {
  WendlandC0 , WendlandC2 , WendlandC4 , WendlandC6 ,
  WendlandC8 , ThinPlateSplines , Multiquadrics , InverseMultiquadrics ,
  VolumeSplines , Gaussian , CompactThinPlateSplinesC2
enum class  GinkgoSolverType { CG , GMRES , QR }
enum class  GinkgoPreconditionerType { Jacobi , Cholesky , None }


bool operator< (Mapping::MeshRequirement lhs, Mapping::MeshRequirement rhs)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, Mapping::MeshRequirement val)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const WeightedElement &w)
 Make the WeightedElement printable.
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const Polation &p)
 Make the Polation class printable.
double computeSquaredDifference (const std::array< double, 3 > &u, std::array< double, 3 > v, const std::array< bool, 3 > &activeAxis={{true, true, true}})
 Deletes all dead directions from fullVector and returns a vector of reduced dimensionality.
template<typename IndexContainer >
constexpr void reduceActiveAxis (const mesh::Mesh &mesh, const IndexContainer &IDs, std::array< bool, 3 > &axis)
 given the active axis, computes sets the axis with the lowest spatial expansion to dead
template<typename IndexContainer >
void fillPolynomialEntries (Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix, const mesh::Mesh &mesh, const IndexContainer &IDs, Eigen::Index startIndex, std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis)
template<typename RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T , typename IndexContainer >
Eigen::MatrixXd buildMatrixCLU (RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T basisFunction, const mesh::Mesh &inputMesh, const IndexContainer &inputIDs, std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis, Polynomial polynomial)
template<typename RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T , typename IndexContainer >
Eigen::MatrixXd buildMatrixA (RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T basisFunction, const mesh::Mesh &inputMesh, const IndexContainer &inputIDs, const mesh::Mesh &outputMesh, const IndexContainer outputIDs, std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis, Polynomial polynomial)


const std::map< std::string, GinkgoSolverTypesolverTypeLookup
const std::map< std::string, GinkgoPreconditionerTypepreconditionerTypeLookup
const std::map< std::string, std::function< std::shared_ptr< gko::Executor >(const unsigned int, const bool)> > ginkgoExecutorLookup

Detailed Description

contains data mapping from points to meshes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PtrMapping

Definition at line 11 of file SharedPointer.hpp.

◆ PtrMappingConfiguration

Definition at line 12 of file SharedPointer.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BasisFunction


Definition at line 17 of file MappingConfigurationTypes.hpp.

◆ GinkgoPreconditionerType


Definition at line 60 of file GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

◆ GinkgoSolverType


Definition at line 54 of file GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

◆ Polynomial

enum class precice::mapping::Polynomial

How to handle the polynomial?

ON: Include it in the system matrix OFF: Omit it altogether SEPARATE: Compute it separately using least-squares QR.


Definition at line 11 of file MappingConfigurationTypes.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ buildMatrixA()

template<typename RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T , typename IndexContainer >
Eigen::MatrixXd precice::mapping::buildMatrixA ( RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T basisFunction,
const mesh::Mesh & inputMesh,
const IndexContainer & inputIDs,
const mesh::Mesh & outputMesh,
const IndexContainer outputIDs,
std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis,
Polynomial polynomial )

Definition at line 186 of file RadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ buildMatrixCLU()

template<typename RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T , typename IndexContainer >
Eigen::MatrixXd precice::mapping::buildMatrixCLU ( RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T basisFunction,
const mesh::Mesh & inputMesh,
const IndexContainer & inputIDs,
std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis,
Polynomial polynomial )

Definition at line 141 of file RadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ computeSquaredDifference()

double precice::mapping::computeSquaredDifference ( const std::array< double, 3 > & u,
std::array< double, 3 > v,
const std::array< bool, 3 > & activeAxis = {{true, true, true}} )

Deletes all dead directions from fullVector and returns a vector of reduced dimensionality.

Definition at line 78 of file RadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

◆ fillPolynomialEntries()

template<typename IndexContainer >
void precice::mapping::fillPolynomialEntries ( Eigen::MatrixXd & matrix,
const mesh::Mesh & mesh,
const IndexContainer & IDs,
Eigen::Index startIndex,
std::array< bool, 3 > activeAxis )

Definition at line 117 of file RadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<()

bool precice::mapping::operator< ( Mapping::MeshRequirement lhs,
Mapping::MeshRequirement rhs )

Defines an ordering for MeshRequirement in terms of specificality

[in]lhsthe left-hand side of the binary operator
[in]rhsthe right-hand side of the binary operator

Definition at line 262 of file Mapping.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream & precice::mapping::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const Polation & p )

Make the Polation class printable.

Definition at line 101 of file Polation.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream & precice::mapping::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const WeightedElement & w )

Make the WeightedElement printable.

Definition at line 96 of file Polation.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream & precice::mapping::operator<< ( std::ostream & out,
Mapping::MeshRequirement val )

Defines the output operation to streams

[in,out]outstream to output to.
[in]valthe value to output.

Definition at line 275 of file Mapping.cpp.

◆ reduceActiveAxis()

template<typename IndexContainer >
constexpr void precice::mapping::reduceActiveAxis ( const mesh::Mesh & mesh,
const IndexContainer & IDs,
std::array< bool, 3 > & axis )

given the active axis, computes sets the axis with the lowest spatial expansion to dead

Definition at line 93 of file RadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ ginkgoExecutorLookup

const std::map<std::string, std::function<std::shared_ptr<gko::Executor>(const unsigned int, const bool)> > precice::mapping::ginkgoExecutorLookup
Initial value:
{{"reference-executor", [](auto unused, auto unused2) { return gko::ReferenceExecutor::create(); }},
{"omp-executor", [](auto unused, auto unused2) { return gko::OmpExecutor::create(); }},
{"cuda-executor", [](auto deviceId, auto enableUnifiedMemory) { if(enableUnifiedMemory) return gko::CudaExecutor::create(deviceId, gko::OmpExecutor::create(), true, gko::allocation_mode::unified_global); else return gko::CudaExecutor::create(deviceId, gko::OmpExecutor::create(), true, gko::allocation_mode::device); }},
{"hip-executor", [](auto deviceId, auto unused) { return gko::HipExecutor::create(deviceId, gko::OmpExecutor::create(), true); }}}

Definition at line 78 of file GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

◆ preconditionerTypeLookup

const std::map<std::string, GinkgoPreconditionerType> precice::mapping::preconditionerTypeLookup
Initial value:
{"jacobi-preconditioner", GinkgoPreconditionerType::Jacobi},
{"cholesky-preconditioner", GinkgoPreconditionerType::Cholesky},
{"no-preconditioner", GinkgoPreconditionerType::None}}

Definition at line 73 of file GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.

◆ solverTypeLookup

const std::map<std::string, GinkgoSolverType> precice::mapping::solverTypeLookup
Initial value:
{"cg-solver", GinkgoSolverType::CG},
{"gmres-solver", GinkgoSolverType::GMRES},
{"qr-solver", GinkgoSolverType::QR}}

Definition at line 68 of file GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver.hpp.