preCICE v3.1.2
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cboost::geometry::traits::access< Eigen::VectorXd, Dimension >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::access< pm::Vertex, Dimension >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::access< pm::Vertex::RawCoords, Dimension >
 Cprecice::action::ActionAbstract base class for configurable actions on data and/or meshes
 Cprecice::com::AsVectorTag< T >
 Cprecice::logging::BackendConfigurationHolds the configuration for one logging backend (sink) and takes care of default values
 Cprecice::mesh::BoundingBoxAn axis-aligned bounding box around a (partition of a) mesh
 Cprecice::m2n::BoundM2NAn M2N between participants with a configured direction
 Cprecice::mesh::Chain< n >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::closure< pm::Triangle >
 Cprecice::com::CommunicationInterface for all interprocess communication classes
 Cprecice::com::CommunicationConfigurationConfiguration for communication channels between a primary and its secondary ranks. The communication between two solvers is configured in m2n::M2NConfiguration
 Cprecice::mapping::CompactSupportBaseBase class for RBF with compact support
 Cprecice::xml::ConfigurationContextTightly coupled to the parameters of Participant()
 Cprecice::action::ActionConfiguration::ConfiguredActionStores configuration information temporarily to create the Action
 Cprecice::mapping::MappingConfiguration::ConfiguredMappingConfiguration data for one mapping
 Cprecice::m2n::PointToPointCommunication::ConnectionDataThis data structure is used to store m2n communication information for the 1 step of bounding box initialization. It stores:
 Cprecice::cplscheme::impl::ConvergenceMeasureInterface for measures checking the convergence of a series of datasets
 Cprecice::cplscheme::BaseCouplingScheme::ConvergenceMeasureContextHolds meta information to perform a convergence measurement
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< Eigen::VectorXd >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< pm::Vertex >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< pm::Vertex::RawCoords >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< Eigen::VectorXd >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< pm::Vertex >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< pm::Vertex::RawCoords >
 Cprecice::cplscheme::CouplingSchemeInterface for all coupling schemes
 Cprecice::xml::ConfigParser::CTagStruct holding the read tag from xml file
 Cprecice::io::TXTTableWriter::DataRepresents one data entry to be written
 Cprecice::mesh::DataDescribes a set of data values belonging to the vertices of a mesh
 Cprecice::impl::DataContextStores one Data object with related mesh
 Cprecice::mapping::DefiniteFunction< isDefinite >Base class for RBF functions to distinguish positive definite functions
 Cprecice::mapping::DefiniteFunction< false >
 Cprecice::mapping::DefiniteFunction< true >
 Cprecice::m2n::DistributedCommunicationInterface for all distributed solver to solver communication classes
 Cprecice::utils::DoubleAggregatorAn accurate aggregator for doubles with usability in mind
 Cprecice::mesh::EdgeLinear edge of a mesh, defined by two Vertex objects
 Cstd::exception [external]STL class
 Cprecice::io::ExportAbstract base class of all classes exporting container data structures
 Cstd::false_type [external]
 Cprecice::profiling::FundamentalTagTag to annotate fundamental events
 Cprecice::mapping::GinkgoRadialBasisFctSolver< RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T >
 Cprecice::logging::GlobalLoggingConfigHolds global logging data in a central place
 Cprecice::query::IndexClass to query the index trees of the mesh
 Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< pm::Edge, Index, Dimension >
 Cprecice::utils::IndexMaps< dimension >Provides mappings of indices for dimensions 2 and 3
 Cprecice::utils::IndexMaps< 2 >
 Cprecice::utils::IndexMaps< 3 >
 Cstd::integral_constant< size_t, Extent > [external]
 Cprecice::utils::IntraCommUtility class for managing intra-participant communication operations
 Cprecice::detail::is_container< C, U >
 Cprecice::query::impl::IsDirectIndexableHelper< Primitive >
 Cprecice::xml::XMLTag::ListenerCallback interface for configuration classes using XMLTag
 Cprecice::logging::LoggerThis class provides a lightweight logger
 Cprecice::logging::LogLocationStruct used to capture the original location of a log request
 Cprecice::m2n::M2NM2N communication class. This layer is necessary since communication between two participants can be working via several meshes, each possibly with a different decomposition. In principle, this class is only a map from meshes to DistributedCommunications
 Cprecice::utils::ManageUniqueIDsManages a set of unique IDs
 Cprecice::m2n::PointToPointCommunication::MappingDefines mapping between:
 Cprecice::mapping::MappingAbstract base class for mapping of data from one mesh to another
 Cprecice::impl::MappingContextHolds a data mapping and related information
 Cprecice::query::MatchType< Tag >Struct to hold the index of a primitive match
 Cprecice::mesh::MeshContainer and creator for meshes
 Cprecice::impl::MeshContextStores a mesh and related objects and data
 Cprecice::impl::MeshDataKey< T >Type that represent a compound key of two values
 CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< size_t >
 CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 1 >
 CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 2 >
 CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 4 >
 CMPI_Select_unsigned_integer_datatype< 8 >
 Cprecice::utils::MultiLock< Key >Class handling multiple locks allowing global lock and unlock operations
 Cprecice::utils::MultiLock< std::string >
 Cprecice::mapping::NoCompactSupportBaseBase class for RBF without compact support
 Cprecice::utils::ParallelUtility class for managing MPI operations
 Cprecice::ParticipantMain Application Programming Interface of preCICE. Include using #include <precice/precice.hpp>
 Cprecice::impl::ParticipantImplImplementation of Participant. See also pimpl ideom (
 Cprecice::impl::ParticipantStateHolds coupling state of one participating solver in coupled simulation
 Cprecice::testing::ParticipantStateRepresents a ParticipantState in a test
 Cprecice::partition::PartitionAbstract base class for partitions
 Cprecice::utils::PetscUtility class for managing PETSc operations
 Cboost::geometry::traits::point_order< pm::Triangle >
 Cboost::geometry::traits::point_type< pm::Edge >
 Cprecice::mapping::PolationCalculates the barycentric coordinates of a coordinate on the given vertex/edge/triangle and stores the corresponding weights If all barycentric coordinates are positive, the operation is interpolation. If not, it is an extrapolation
 Cprecice::acceleration::impl::PreconditionerInterface for preconditioner variants that can be applied to quasi-Newton acceleration schemes
 Cprecice::query::impl::PrimitiveTraits< T >Type trait to extract information based on the type of a Primitive
 Cprecice::query::impl::PrimitiveTraits< mesh::Edge >
 Cprecice::query::impl::PrimitiveTraits< mesh::Tetrahedron >
 Cprecice::query::impl::PrimitiveTraits< mesh::Triangle >
 Cprecice::query::impl::PrimitiveTraits< pm::Vertex >
 Cprecice::query::ProjectionMatchStruct representing a projection match
 Cprecice::query::impl::PtrVectorIndexable< Container >Makes a utils::PtrVector indexable and thus be usable in boost::geometry::rtree
 Cprecice::acceleration::impl::QRFactorizationClass that provides functionality for a dynamic QR-decomposition, that can be updated in O(mn) flops if a column is inserted or deleted. The new column is orthogonalized to the existing columns in Q using a modified GramSchmidt algorithm. The zero-elements are generated using suitable givens-roatations. The Interface provides fnctions such as insertColumn, deleteColumn at arbitrary position an push or pull column at front or back, resp
 Cprecice::mapping::RadialBasisFctSolver< RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T >
 Cprecice::mapping::RadialBasisParametersWrapper struct that is used to transfer RBF-specific parameters to the GPU
 Cprecice::utils::RangePreview< InputIter >The RangePreview object used as a lazy proxy struct for proviewing the content of a Range
 Cprecice::query::impl::RTreeTraits< Primitive >The type traits of a rtree based on a Primitive
 Cprecice::profiling::ScopedEventPrefixClass that changes the prefix in its scope
 Cprecice::com::serialize::SerializedBoundingBoxSerialized representation of a mesh::BoundingBox
 Cprecice::com::serialize::SerializedBoundingBoxMapSerialized representation of a BoundingBoxMap
 Cprecice::com::serialize::SerializedConnectionMapSerialized representation of ConnectionMap
 Cprecice::com::serialize::SerializedMeshSerialized representation of mesh::Mesh
 Cprecice::com::serialize::SerializedStamplesSerialized representation of CouplingData
 Cprecice::span< ElementType, Extent >A C++ 11 implementation of the non-owning C++20 std::span type
 Cprecice::detail::span_storage< E, S >
 Cprecice::detail::span_storage< E, dynamic_extent >
 Cprecice::detail::span_storage< ElementType, Extent >
 Cprecice::mapping::SphericalVertexCluster< RADIAL_BASIS_FUNCTION_T >
 Cprecice::time::StampleStample containing timestampled Sample
 Cprecice::utils::StringMaker< MAX >Utility class to build a string from C functions with output pointers and static maximum length
 Cprecice::acceleration::impl::SVDFactorizationClass that provides functionality to maintain a SVD decomposition of a matrix via successive rank-1 updates and truncation with respect to the truncation threshold eps
 Cprecice::profiling::SynchronizeTagTag to annotate synchronized events
 Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Eigen::VectorXd >Adapts Eigen::VectorXd to boost.geometry
 Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< pm::Edge >Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Edge to boost.geometry
 Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< pm::Triangle >Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Triangle to boost.geometry
 Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< pm::Vertex >Provides the necessary template specialisations to adapt precice's Vertex to boost.geometry
 Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< pm::Vertex::RawCoords >Adapts Vertex::RawCoords to boost.geometry
 Cprecice::mesh::TetrahedronTetrahedron of a mesh, defined by 4 vertices
 Cprecice::profiling::TimedEntryAn event that has been recorded and it waiting to be written to file
 Cprecice::utils::transform< P, A1, A >
 Cprecice::mesh::TriangleTriangle of a mesh, defined by three vertices
 Cstd::true_type [external]
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, precice::span< ElementType, Extent > >
 Cprecice::io::TXTReaderFile reader for matrix/vector in Matlab V7 ASCII format
 Cprecice::io::TXTTableWriterFile writer for table-data in text-format
 Cprecice::io::TXTWriterFile writer for matrix in Matlab V7 ASCII format
 Cprecice::utils::type_transform< F, Inputs >
 Cprecice::query::impl::VectorIndexable< Container >Makes a std::vector indexable and thus be usable in boost::geometry::rtree
 Cprecice::mesh::VertexVertex of a mesh
 CVertexSpecificationHolds rank, owner, position and value of a single vertex
 Cprecice::impl::WatchIntegralTrack and output transient integral data on a mesh
 Cprecice::impl::WatchPointObserves and exports coordinates of a point on the geometry
 Cprecice::time::WaveformAllows to perform interpolation on samples in storage of given data
 Cprecice::mapping::WeightedElementStruct that contains weight and index of a vertex
 Cprecice::m2n::WhiteboxAccessorStruct giving access _useOnlyPrimaryCom
 Cprecice::testing::WhiteboxAccessorStruct giving access to the impl of a befriended class or struct
 Cprecice::xml::XMLAttribute< ATTRIBUTE_T >
 Cprecice::xml::XMLTagRepresents an XML tag to be configured automatically