Setting up pre-commit

To use, install pre-commit and run pre-commit install at the root of the project. You can now force the formatting on all files with pre-commit run -a.

This will also run all pre-commit hooks before each commit, preventing dirty commits in the repository.

Custom pre-commit hooks for preCICE are included in the repository precice/precice-pre-commit-hooks. This currently provides a stand-alone hook for the precice config formatter. The repository provides tags in the form X.Y where X is the major preCICE version and Y is the version of the hook repo.

Formatting the code

To manually format the code, use pre-commit. Do not use the formatting included in your IDE. clang-format doesn’t produce the same output for different versions, pre-commit keeps the version fixed.

pre-commit run -va clang-format

To disable formatting for a section of code use comments:

int formatted_code;
// clang-format off
    void    unformatted_code  ;
// clang-format on
void formatted_code_again;
/* clang-format off */
    void         unformatted_code  ;
/* clang-format on */
void formatted_code_yet_again;

Formatting preCICE configuration files

To manually format configuration files, use pre-commit.

pre-commit run -va format-precice-config

To format your precice-config.xml, you can use the script which is part of the preCICE pre-commit hooks (without needing to install the pre-commit hooks) and depends on the lxml package (install it with pip install --user lxml). To format a file in place: precice-config.xml

The script returns 0 on success, 1 on error, and 2 if a file was modified.

You may want to define an alias for convenience:

function preciceConfigFormat(){
  /path/to/ "${1:-precice-config.xml}"


The tool clang-tidy runs static analysis on C and C++ files and reports warnings in clang error format (i.e. editors can parse them). It checks parent directories for a .clang-tidy file and uses that configuration.

We use a custom script in order to run clang-format on the entire preCICE code base. In order to use the script, install run-clang-tidy (part of clang) and clang++. Afterwards, the script can be executed using

cd path/to/precice

which will report potential errors on the console. Executing the script can be done using a make target called make tidy as well. Some errors can be fixed by clang-tidy itself. In order to let clang-tidy fix errors, add the -fix option in the script.


The static analysis tool Cppcheck can detect some errors and bad programming practice. Simply run cppcheck --enable=all . inside precice/src or inside the directory you’re working.

Static analysis build

CMake can run various static analysis tools on sources after compiling them. A quick way of setting up precice looks as follows:

mkdir -p ~/tmp/precice && cd ~/tmp/precice
cmake \
   -DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="clang-tidy;-p;." \
   -DCMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK="cppcheck;--enable=all" \
   -DCMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE="path/to/iwyu;-p;." \
make -j $(nproc)

As this build will run for a very long time, it may be a good idea to save the output to a log file.

make -j $(nproc) 2>&1 | tee staticanalysis.log

If the log contains scrambled output, use:

make 2>&1 | tee staticanalysis.log