You can access received meshes and their data directly by using specific optional API functions.

This concept is required if you want to access received meshes directly. It might be relevant in case you don’t want to use the mapping schemes in preCICE, but rather want to use your own solver for data mapping. As opposed to the usual preCICE mapping, only a single mesh (from the other participant) is now involved in this situation since an ‘own’ mesh defined by the participant itself is not required any more. In order to re-partition the received mesh, the participant needs to define the mesh region it wants read data from and write data to. The complete concept on the receiving participant looks as follows:

    // Note that "ReceivedMeshname" is not a name of a
    // provided mesh, but a mesh defined by another participant. Accessing
    // a received mesh directly is disabled in a usual preCICE configuration.
    const std::string otherMesh = "ReceivedMeshName";

    // Get the spacial dimensionality of the mesh
    const int dim = precice.getMeshDimensions(otherMesh);

    // Allocate and fill the  'boundingBox' according to the interested region
    // with the desired bounds, in our example we use the unit cube.
    // Assuming dim == 3, means that the bounding box has dim * 2 == 6 elements.
    std::vector<double> boundingBox {
        0, 0, 0, // minimum corner
        1, 1, 1 // maximum corner

    // Define region of interest, where we want to obtain the direct access.
    // See also the API documentation of this function for further notes.
    precice.setMeshAccessRegion(otherMesh, boundingBox);

    // initialize preCICE as usual

    // Get the size of the received mesh partition, which lies within the
    // defined bounding (provided by the coupling participant)
    const int otherMeshSize = precice.getMeshVertexSize(otherMesh);

    // Now finally get information about the mesh vertices.
    // First allocate memory for the IDs and coordinates
    std::vector<double> otherCoordinates(otherMeshSize * dim);
    std::vector<VertexID> otherVertexIDs(otherMeshSize);
    // ... and afterwards ask preCICE to fill the vectors

    // continue with time loop and write data directly to the mesh using
    // the received ids, which correspond to the vertices
    const int dataDim = precice.getDataDimensions(otherMesh, "OtherData");
    std::vector<double> data(dataDim * otherMeshSize);
    precice.writeData(otherMesh, "OtherData", otherVertexIDs, data);

Concept and API

Defining a bounding box for serial runs of the solver (not to be confused with serial coupling mode) is valid. However, a warning is raised in case vertices are filtered out completely on the receiving side, since the associated data values of the filtered vertices are filled with zero data values in order to make the ‘read’ operation of the other participant valid.

In order to use the feature, it needs to be enabled explicitly in the configuration file. Using the same data and mesh names as in the code example above, a corresponding configuration would be

<participant name="MyParticipant">
  <receive-mesh name="ReceivedMeshName" from="OtherParticipant" direct-access="true" />
  <write-data name="WriteDataName" mesh="ReceivedMeshName" />

Note that we write the data on a mesh we received and no mapping and no mesh need to be defined as opposed to the usual case. If you want to read data on a provided mesh additionally, a mesh can (and must) be provided, as usual. Note also that you probably need to reconfigure the mesh, which is used for the data exchange (<exchange data=..), the data acceleration and convergence measure within the coupling scheme. Minimal configuration examples can also be found in the integration tests located in the preCICE repository precice/src/precice/tests. All relevant test files have ‘direct-access’ in the file name, e.g. explicit-direct-access.xml.

Using the feature in parallel

Using the described concept in parallel computations requires some additional considerations. In particular, it is important to note that the geometric description of the domain via axis-aligned bounding-boxes is not exact. Thus, the resulting partitioning usually leads to overlapping regions between the individual rank partitions. If additional mappings on a directly accessed mesh are desired, overlapping partitions might even be necessary in order to compute the global mapping. preCICE does not know which rank finally writes data to or reads data from which vertices. Hence, preCICE performs a sum over all data it receives for a particular vertex. If you have overlapping regions, i.e., vertices are unique on a rank, but duplicated across all ranks, the contribution of each rank is summed up and finally passed to the other participant. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that data is only written on a single rank or summing up data is actually desired since the data is conservative (e.g. summing up a force contribution across all ranks). An exemplary implementation of this feature, which works in parallel, is given in the deal.II example (a documentation of the implementation is given in the source code itself). There, a consensus algorithm, which selects the lowest rank for duplicated vertices across several ranks, is responsible for writing the data, all other ranks do not write data for the particular point.