This side contains the full reference of the XML configuration of preCICE, containing the tag structure as well as attributes and their types and values.


Main tag containing preCICE configuration.


<precice-configuration experimental="0" wait-in-finalize="0">
  <log enabled="1">
  <profiling flush-every="50" directory="." mode="fundamental" synchronize="0"/>
  <data:scalar waveform-degree="1" name="{string}"/>
  <mesh dimensions="{integer}" name="{string}">
  <m2n:sockets port="0" acceptor="{string}" connector="{string}" exchange-directory="" network="lo" enforce-gather-scatter="0" use-two-level-initialization="0"/>
  <participant name="{string}">
Attribute Type Description Default Options
experimental boolean Enable experimental features. 0 none
wait-in-finalize boolean Connected participants wait for each other in finalize, which can be helpful in SLURM sessions. 0 none

Valid Subtags:


Configures logging sinks based on Boost log.


<log enabled="1">
  <sink filter="(%Severity% > debug) and not ((%Severity% = info) and (%Rank% != 0))" format="(%Rank%) %TimeStamp(format="%H:%M:%S")% [%Module%]:%Line% in %Function%: %ColorizedSeverity%%Message%" output="stdout" type="stream" enabled="1"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
enabled boolean Enables the creation of log sinks. Disable sinks if you prefer to handle preCICE logs in your application using boost.log. 1 none

Valid Subtags:


Contains the configuration of a single log sink, which allows fine grained control of what to log where. Available attributes in filter and format strings are %TimeStamp%, %Runtime%, %Severity%, %ColorizedSeverity%, %File%, %Line%, %Function%, %Module%, %Rank%, and %Participant%. The boolean attribute %preCICE% is true for all log entries originating from preCICE.


<sink filter="(%Severity% > debug) and not ((%Severity% = info) and (%Rank% != 0))" format="(%Rank%) %TimeStamp(format="%H:%M:%S")% [%Module%]:%Line% in %Function%: %ColorizedSeverity%%Message%" output="stdout" type="stream" enabled="1"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
filter string Boost Log Filter String (%Severity% > debug) and not ((%Severity% = info) and (%Rank% != 0)) none
format string Boost Log Format String (%Rank%) %TimeStamp(format="%H:%M:%S")% [%Module%]:%Line% in %Function%: %ColorizedSeverity%%Message% none
output string Depends on the type of the sink. For streams, this can be stdout or stderr. For files, this is the filename. stdout none
type string The type of sink. stream stream, file
enabled boolean Enables the sink 1 none


Allows configuring the profiling functionality of preCICE.


<profiling flush-every="50" directory="." mode="fundamental" synchronize="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
flush-every integer Set the amount of event records that should be kept in memory before flushing them to file. One event consists out of multiple records.0 keeps all records in memory and writes them at the end of the program, useful for slower network filesystems. 1 writes records directly to the file, useful to get profiling data despite program crashes. Settings greater than 1 keep records in memory and write them to file in blocks, which is recommended. 50 none
directory string Directory to use as a root directory to write the events to. Events will be written to <directory>/precice-profiling/ . none
mode string Operational modes of the profiling. “fundamental” will only write fundamental events. “all” writes all events. fundamental all, fundamental, off
synchronize boolean Enables additional inter- and intra-participant synchronization points. This avoids measuring blocking time for communication and other collective operations. 0 none


Defines a scalar data set to be assigned to meshes.


<data:scalar waveform-degree="1" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
waveform-degree integer Polynomial degree of waveform that is used for time interpolation. 1 none
name string Unique name for the data set. none none


Defines a vector data set to be assigned to meshes. The number of components of each data entry depends on the spatial dimensions set in tag .


<data:vector waveform-degree="1" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
waveform-degree integer Polynomial degree of waveform that is used for time interpolation. 1 none
name string Unique name for the data set. none none


Surface mesh consisting of vertices and optional connectivity information. The vertices of a mesh can carry data, configured by tags . The mesh coordinates have to be defined by a participant (see tag ).


<mesh dimensions="{integer}" name="{string}">
  <use-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
dimensions integer Spatial dimensions of mesh none 2, 3
name string Unique name for the mesh. none none

Valid Subtags:


Assigns a before defined data set (see tag ) to the mesh.


<use-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data set. none none


Communication via Sockets.


<m2n:sockets port="0" acceptor="{string}" connector="{string}" exchange-directory="" network="lo" enforce-gather-scatter="0" use-two-level-initialization="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
port integer Port number (16-bit unsigned integer) to be used for socket communication. The default is “0”, what means that the OS will dynamically search for a free port (if at least one exists) and bind it automatically. 0 none
acceptor string First participant name involved in communication. For performance reasons, we recommend to use the participant with less ranks at the coupling interface as “acceptor” in the m2n communication. none none
connector string Second participant name involved in communication. none none
exchange-directory string Directory where connection information is exchanged. By default, the directory of startup is chosen, and both solvers have to be started in the same directory. `` none
network string Interface name to be used for socket communication. Default is the canonical name of the loopback interface of your platform. Might be different on supercomputing systems, e.g. “ib0” for the InfiniBand on SuperMUC. lo none
enforce-gather-scatter boolean Enforce the distributed communication to a gather-scatter scheme. Only recommended for trouble shooting. 0 none
use-two-level-initialization boolean Use a two-level initialization scheme. Recommended for large parallel runs (>5000 MPI ranks). 0 none


Communication via MPI with startup in separated communication spaces, using multiple communicators.


<m2n:mpi-multiple-ports acceptor="{string}" connector="{string}" exchange-directory="" enforce-gather-scatter="0" use-two-level-initialization="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
acceptor string First participant name involved in communication. For performance reasons, we recommend to use the participant with less ranks at the coupling interface as “acceptor” in the m2n communication. none none
connector string Second participant name involved in communication. none none
exchange-directory string Directory where connection information is exchanged. By default, the directory of startup is chosen, and both solvers have to be started in the same directory. `` none
enforce-gather-scatter boolean Enforce the distributed communication to a gather-scatter scheme. Only recommended for trouble shooting. 0 none
use-two-level-initialization boolean Use a two-level initialization scheme. Recommended for large parallel runs (>5000 MPI ranks). 0 none


Communication via MPI with startup in separated communication spaces, using a single communicator


<m2n:mpi acceptor="{string}" connector="{string}" exchange-directory="" enforce-gather-scatter="0" use-two-level-initialization="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
acceptor string First participant name involved in communication. For performance reasons, we recommend to use the participant with less ranks at the coupling interface as “acceptor” in the m2n communication. none none
connector string Second participant name involved in communication. none none
exchange-directory string Directory where connection information is exchanged. By default, the directory of startup is chosen, and both solvers have to be started in the same directory. `` none
enforce-gather-scatter boolean Enforce the distributed communication to a gather-scatter scheme. Only recommended for trouble shooting. 0 none
use-two-level-initialization boolean Use a two-level initialization scheme. Recommended for large parallel runs (>5000 MPI ranks). 0 none


Represents one solver using preCICE. At least two participants have to be defined.


<participant name="{string}">
  <write-data mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <read-data mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <mapping:nearest-neighbor constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}"/>
  <action:multiply-by-area mesh="{string}" timing="{string}">
  <export:vtk every-n-time-windows="1" directory="" every-iteration="0"/>
  <watch-point mesh="{string}" name="{string}" coordinate="{vector}"/>
  <watch-integral mesh="{string}" name="{string}" scale-with-connectivity="{boolean}"/>
  <provide-mesh name="{string}"/>
  <receive-mesh safety-factor="0.5" from="{string}" geometric-filter="on-secondary-ranks" name="{string}" direct-access="0"/>
  <intra-comm:sockets port="0" exchange-directory="" network="lo"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the participant. Has to match the name given on construction of the precice::Participant object used by the participant. none none

Valid Subtags:


Sets data to be written by the participant to preCICE. Data is defined by using the tag.


<write-data mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Mesh the data belongs to. If data should be read/written to several meshes, this has to be specified separately for each mesh. none none
name string Name of the data. none none


Sets data to be read by the participant from preCICE. Data is defined by using the tag.


<read-data mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Mesh the data belongs to. If data should be read/written to several meshes, this has to be specified separately for each mesh. none none
name string Name of the data. none none


Nearest-neighbour mapping which uses a rstar-spacial index tree to index meshes and run nearest-neighbour queries.


<mapping:nearest-neighbor constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Nearest-projection mapping which uses a rstar-spacial index tree to index meshes and locate the nearest projections.


<mapping:nearest-projection constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Nearest-neighbor-gradient mapping which uses nearest-neighbor mapping with an additional linear approximation using gradient data.


<mapping:nearest-neighbor-gradient constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Linear cell interpolation mapping which uses a rstar-spacial index tree to index meshes and locate the nearest cell. Only supports 2D meshes.


<mapping:linear-cell-interpolation constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Radial-basis-function mapping using an iterative solver with a distributed parallelism.


<mapping:rbf-global-iterative solver-rtol="1e-09" constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" polynomial="separate" to="{string}" x-dead="0" y-dead="0" z-dead="0">
  <basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
solver-rtol float Solver relative tolerance for convergence 1e-09 none
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
polynomial string Toggles use of the global polynomial separate on, off, separate
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none
x-dead boolean If set to true, the x axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
y-dead boolean If set to true, the y axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
z-dead boolean If set to true, the z axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none

Valid Subtags:


The default executor relying on PETSc, which uses CPUs and distributed memory parallelism via MPI.




Cuda (Nvidia) executor, which uses Ginkgo with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<executor:cuda gpu-device-id="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
gpu-device-id integer Specifies the ID of the GPU that should be used for the Ginkgo GPU backend. 0 none


Hip (AMD/Nvidia) executor, which uses hipSolver with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<executor:hip gpu-device-id="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
gpu-device-id integer Specifies the ID of the GPU that should be used for the Ginkgo GPU backend. 0 none


OpenMP executor, which uses Ginkgo with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<executor:openmp n-threads="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
n-threads integer Specifies the number of threads for the OpenMP executor that should be used for the Ginkgo OpenMP backend. If a value of “0” is set, preCICE doesn’t set the number of threads and the default behavior of OpenMP applies. 0 none


Wendland C0 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C2 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C4 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c4 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C6 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c6 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C8 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c8 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Compact thin-plate-spline C2


<basis-function:compact-tps-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none




<basis-function:multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Inverse multiquadrics


<basis-function:inverse-multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Gaussian basis function accepting a support radius or a shape parameter.


<basis-function:gaussian shape-parameter="nan" support-radius="nan"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. nan none
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). nan none






Volume splines




Radial-basis-function mapping using a direct solver with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<mapping:rbf-global-direct constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" polynomial="separate" to="{string}" x-dead="0" y-dead="0" z-dead="0">
  <basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
polynomial string Toggles use of the global polynomial separate on, off, separate
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none
x-dead boolean If set to true, the x axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
y-dead boolean If set to true, the y axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
z-dead boolean If set to true, the z axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none

Valid Subtags:


The default executor, which uses a single-core CPU with a gather-scatter parallelism.




Cuda (Nvidia) executor, which uses cuSolver/Ginkgo and a direct QR decomposition with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<executor:cuda gpu-device-id="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
gpu-device-id integer Specifies the ID of the GPU that should be used for the Ginkgo GPU backend. 0 none


Hip (AMD/Nvidia) executor, which uses hipSolver/Ginkgo and a direct QR decomposition with a gather-scatter parallelism.


<executor:hip gpu-device-id="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
gpu-device-id integer Specifies the ID of the GPU that should be used for the Ginkgo GPU backend. 0 none


Wendland C0 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C2 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C4 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c4 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C6 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c6 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C8 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c8 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Compact thin-plate-spline C2


<basis-function:compact-tps-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none




<basis-function:multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Inverse multiquadrics


<basis-function:inverse-multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Gaussian basis function accepting a support radius or a shape parameter.


<basis-function:gaussian shape-parameter="nan" support-radius="nan"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. nan none
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). nan none






Volume splines




Radial-basis-function mapping using a partition of unity method, which supports a distributed parallelism.


<mapping:rbf-pum-direct relative-overlap="0.15" vertices-per-cluster="50" constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" polynomial="separate" to="{string}" project-to-input="1">
  <basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
relative-overlap float Value between 0 and 1 indicating the relative overlap between clusters. A value of 0.15 is usually a good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. 0.15 none
vertices-per-cluster integer Average number of vertices per cluster (partition) applied in the rbf partition of unity method. 50 none
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
polynomial string Toggles use a local (per cluster) polynomial separate off, separate
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none
project-to-input boolean If enabled, places the cluster centers at the closest vertex of the input mesh. Should be enabled in case of non-uniform point distributions such as for shell structures. 1 none

Valid Subtags:


The default (and currently only) executor using a CPU and a distributed memory parallelism via MPI.




Wendland C0 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C2 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C4 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c4 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C6 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c6 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C8 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c8 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Compact thin-plate-spline C2


<basis-function:compact-tps-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none




<basis-function:multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Inverse multiquadrics


<basis-function:inverse-multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Gaussian basis function accepting a support radius or a shape parameter.


<basis-function:gaussian shape-parameter="nan" support-radius="nan"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. nan none
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). nan none






Volume splines




Alias tag, which auto-selects a radial-basis-function mapping depending on the simulation parameter,


<mapping:rbf constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" to="{string}" x-dead="0" y-dead="0" z-dead="0">
  <basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none
x-dead boolean If set to true, the x axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
y-dead boolean If set to true, the y axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none
z-dead boolean If set to true, the z axis will be ignored for the mapping 0 none

Valid Subtags:


Wendland C0 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c0 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C2 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C4 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c4 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C6 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c6 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Wendland C8 function


<basis-function:compact-polynomial-c8 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none


Compact thin-plate-spline C2


<basis-function:compact-tps-c2 support-radius="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). none none




<basis-function:multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Inverse multiquadrics


<basis-function:inverse-multiquadrics shape-parameter="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. none none


Gaussian basis function accepting a support radius or a shape parameter.


<basis-function:gaussian shape-parameter="nan" support-radius="nan"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
shape-parameter float Specific shape parameter for RBF basis function. nan none
support-radius float Support radius of each RBF basis function (global choice). nan none






Volume splines




Axial geometric multiscale mapping between one 1D and multiple 3D vertices.


<mapping:axial-geometric-multiscale multiscale-radius="{float}" constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" multiscale-axis="{string}" multiscale-type="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
multiscale-radius float Radius of the circular interface between the 1D and 3D participant. none none
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
multiscale-axis string Principle axis along which geometric multiscale mapping is performed. none x, y, z
multiscale-type string Type of geometric multiscale mapping. Either ‘spread’ or ‘collect’. none spread, collect
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Radial geometric multiscale mapping between multiple 1D and multiple 3D vertices, distributed along a principle axis.


<mapping:radial-geometric-multiscale multiscale-radius="{float}" constraint="{string}" direction="{string}" from="{string}" multiscale-axis="{string}" multiscale-type="{string}" to="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
multiscale-radius float Radius of the circular interface between the 1D and 3D participant. none none
constraint string Use conservative to conserve the nodal sum of the data over the interface (needed e.g. for force mapping). Use consistent for normalized quantities such as temperature or pressure. Use scaled-consistent-surface or scaled-consistent-volume for normalized quantities where conservation of integral values (surface or volume) is needed (e.g. velocities when the mass flow rate needs to be conserved). Mesh connectivity is required to use scaled-consistent. none conservative, consistent, scaled-consistent-surface, scaled-consistent-volume
direction string Write mappings map written data prior to communication, thus in the same participant who writes the data. Read mappings map received data after communication, thus in the same participant who reads the data. none write, read
from string The mesh to map the data from. none none
multiscale-axis string Principle axis along which geometric multiscale mapping is performed. none x, y, z
multiscale-type string Type of geometric multiscale mapping. Either ‘spread’ or ‘collect’. none spread, collect
to string The mesh to map the data to. none none


Multiplies data values with mesh area associated to vertex holding the value.


<action:multiply-by-area mesh="{string}" timing="{string}">
  <target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Determines mesh used in action. none none
timing string Determines when (relative to advancing the coupling scheme and the data mappings) the action is executed. none write-mapping-post, read-mapping-post

Valid Subtags:


Data to read from and write to.


<target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Divides data values by mesh area associated to vertex holding the value.


<action:divide-by-area mesh="{string}" timing="{string}">
  <target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Determines mesh used in action. none none
timing string Determines when (relative to advancing the coupling scheme and the data mappings) the action is executed. none write-mapping-post, read-mapping-post

Valid Subtags:


Data to read from and write to.


<target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Sums up multiple source data values and writes the result into target data.


<action:summation mesh="{string}" timing="{string}">
  <source-data name="{string}"/>
  <target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Determines mesh used in action. none none
timing string Determines when (relative to advancing the coupling scheme and the data mappings) the action is executed. none write-mapping-post, read-mapping-post

Valid Subtags:


Multiple data to read from.


<source-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Data to read from and write to.


<target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Records action invocations for testing purposes.


<action:recorder mesh="{string}" timing="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Determines mesh used in action. none none
timing string Determines when (relative to advancing the coupling scheme and the data mappings) the action is executed. none write-mapping-post, read-mapping-post


Calls Python script to execute action. See preCICE file “src/action/” for an example.


<action:python mesh="{string}" timing="{string}">
  <path name=""/>
  <module name="{string}"/>
  <source-data name="{string}"/>
  <target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Determines mesh used in action. none none
timing string Determines when (relative to advancing the coupling scheme and the data mappings) the action is executed. none write-mapping-post, read-mapping-post

Valid Subtags:


Directory path to Python module, i.e. script file. If it doesn’t occur, the current path is used


<path name=""/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string The path to the directory of the module. `` none


Name of Python module, i.e. Python script file without file ending. The module name has to differ from existing (library) modules, otherwise, the existing module will be loaded instead of the user script.


<module name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Source data to be read is handed to the Python module. Can be omitted, if only a target data is needed.


<source-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Target data to be read and written to is handed to the Python module. Can be omitted, if only source data is needed.


<target-data name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the data. none none


Exports meshes to VTK legacy format files. Parallel participants will use the VTU exporter instead.


<export:vtk every-n-time-windows="1" directory="" every-iteration="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
every-n-time-windows integer preCICE does an export every X time windows. Choose -1 for no exports. 1 none
directory string Directory to export the files to. `` none
every-iteration boolean Exports in every coupling (sub)iteration. For debug purposes. 0 none


Exports meshes to VTU files in serial or PVTU files with VTU piece files in parallel.


<export:vtu every-n-time-windows="1" directory="" every-iteration="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
every-n-time-windows integer preCICE does an export every X time windows. Choose -1 for no exports. 1 none
directory string Directory to export the files to. `` none
every-iteration boolean Exports in every coupling (sub)iteration. For debug purposes. 0 none


Exports meshes to VTP files in serial or PVTP files with VTP piece files in parallel.


<export:vtp every-n-time-windows="1" directory="" every-iteration="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
every-n-time-windows integer preCICE does an export every X time windows. Choose -1 for no exports. 1 none
directory string Directory to export the files to. `` none
every-iteration boolean Exports in every coupling (sub)iteration. For debug purposes. 0 none


Exports vertex coordinates and data to CSV files.


<export:csv every-n-time-windows="1" directory="" every-iteration="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
every-n-time-windows integer preCICE does an export every X time windows. Choose -1 for no exports. 1 none
directory string Directory to export the files to. `` none
every-iteration boolean Exports in every coupling (sub)iteration. For debug purposes. 0 none


A watch point can be used to follow the transient changes of data and mesh vertex coordinates at a given point


<watch-point mesh="{string}" name="{string}" coordinate="{vector}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Mesh to be watched. none none
name string Name of the watch point. Is taken in combination with the participant name to construct the filename the watch point data is written to. none none
coordinate vector The coordinates of the watch point. If the watch point is not put exactly on the mesh to observe, the closest projection of the point onto the mesh is considered instead, and values/coordinates are interpolated linearly to that point. none none


A watch integral can be used to follow the transient change of integral data and surface area for a given coupling mesh.


<watch-integral mesh="{string}" name="{string}" scale-with-connectivity="{boolean}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
mesh string Mesh to be watched. none none
name string Name of the watch integral. Is taken in combination with the participant name to construct the filename the watch integral data is written to. none none
scale-with-connectivity boolean Whether the vertex data is scaled with the element area before summing up or not. In 2D, vertex data is scaled with the average length of neighboring edges. In 3D, vertex data is scaled with the average surface of neighboring triangles. If false, vertex data is directly summed up. none none


Provide a mesh (see tag ) to other participants.


<provide-mesh name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the mesh to provide. none none


Makes a remote mesh (see tag ) available to this participant.


<receive-mesh safety-factor="0.5" from="{string}" geometric-filter="on-secondary-ranks" name="{string}" direct-access="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
safety-factor float If a mesh is received from another partipant (see tag ), it needs to bedecomposed at the receiving participant. To speed up this process, a geometric filter (see tag ), i.e. filtering by bounding boxes around the local mesh, can be used. This safety factor defines by which factor this local information is increased. An example: 0.5 means that the bounding box is 150% of its original size. 0.5 none
from string The name of the participant to receive the mesh from. This participant needs to provide the mesh using . none none
geometric-filter string If a mesh is received from another partipant (see tag ), it needs to bedecomposed at the receiving participant. To speed up this process, a geometric filter, i.e. filtering by bounding boxes around the local mesh, can be used. Two different variants are implemented: a filter "on-primary" strategy, which is beneficial for a huge mesh and a low number of processors, and a filter "on-secondary" strategy, which performs better for a very high number of processors. Both result in the same distribution (if the safety factor is sufficiently large). "on-primary" is not supported if you use two-level initialization. For very asymmetric cases, the filter can also be switched off completely ("no-filter"). on-secondary-ranks no-filter, on-primary-rank, on-secondary-ranks
name string Name of the mesh to receive. none none
direct-access boolean If a mesh is received from another partipant (see tag ), it needs to bedecomposed at the receiving participant. In case a mapping is defined, the mesh is decomposed according to the local provided mesh associated to the mapping. In case no mapping has been defined (you want to access the mesh and related data direct), there is no obvious way on how to decompose the mesh, since no mesh needs to be provided by the participant. For this purpose, bounding boxes can be defined (see API function "setMeshAccessRegion") and used by selecting the option direct-access="true". 0 none


A solver in parallel needs a communication between its ranks. By default, the participant’s MPI_COM_WORLD is reused.Use this tag to use TCP/IP sockets instead.


<intra-comm:sockets port="0" exchange-directory="" network="lo"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
port integer Port number (16-bit unsigned integer) to be used for socket communication. The default is “0”, what means that OS will dynamically search for a free port (if at least one exists) and bind it automatically. 0 none
exchange-directory string Directory where connection information is exchanged. By default, the directory of startup is chosen. `` none
network string Interface name to be used for socket communication. Default is the canonical name of the loopback interface of your platform. Might be different on supercomputing systems, e.g. “ib0” for the InfiniBand on SuperMUC. lo none


A solver in parallel needs a communication between its ranks. By default, the participant’s MPI_COM_WORLD is reused.Use this tag to use MPI with separated communication spaces instead instead.


<intra-comm:mpi exchange-directory=""/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
exchange-directory string Directory where connection information is exchanged. By default, the directory of startup is chosen. `` none


Explicit coupling scheme according to conventional serial staggered procedure (CSS).


  <max-time value="{float}"/>
  <max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
  <time-window-size value="-1" method="fixed"/>
  <participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
  <exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>

Valid Subtags:


Defined the end of the simulation as total time.


<max-time value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The value of the maximum simulation time. none none


Defined the end of the simulation as a total count of time windows.


<max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum count of time windows. none none


Defines the size of the time window.


<time-window-size value="-1" method="fixed"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The maximum time window size. -1 none
method string The method used to determine the time window size. Use fixed to fix the time window size for the participants. fixed fixed, first-participant


Defines the participants of the coupling scheme.


<participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
first string First participant to run the solver. none none
second string Second participant to run the solver. none none


Defines the flow of data between meshes of participants.


<exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
data string The data to exchange. none none
from string The participant sending the data. none none
mesh string The mesh which uses the data. none none
to string The participant receiving the data. none none
initialize boolean Should this data be initialized during initialize? 0 none
substeps boolean Should this data exchange substeps? 0 none


Explicit coupling scheme according to conventional parallel staggered procedure (CPS).


  <max-time value="{float}"/>
  <max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
  <time-window-size value="-1"/>
  <participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
  <exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>

Valid Subtags:


Defined the end of the simulation as total time.


<max-time value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The value of the maximum simulation time. none none


Defined the end of the simulation as a total count of time windows.


<max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum count of time windows. none none


Defines the size of the time window.


<time-window-size value="-1"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The maximum time window size. -1 none


Defines the participants of the coupling scheme.


<participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
first string First participant to run the solver. none none
second string Second participant to run the solver. none none


Defines the flow of data between meshes of participants.


<exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
data string The data to exchange. none none
from string The participant sending the data. none none
mesh string The mesh which uses the data. none none
to string The participant receiving the data. none none
initialize boolean Should this data be initialized during initialize? 0 none
substeps boolean Should this data exchange substeps? 0 none


Implicit coupling scheme according to block Gauss-Seidel iterations (S-System). Improved implicit iterations are achieved by using a acceleration (recommended!).


  <max-time value="{float}"/>
  <max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
  <time-window-size value="-1" method="fixed"/>
  <participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
  <exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
  <absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <max-iterations value="{integer}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Defined the end of the simulation as total time.


<max-time value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The value of the maximum simulation time. none none


Defined the end of the simulation as a total count of time windows.


<max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum count of time windows. none none


Defines the size of the time window.


<time-window-size value="-1" method="fixed"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The maximum time window size. -1 none
method string The method used to determine the time window size. Use fixed to fix the time window size for the participants. fixed fixed, first-participant


Defines the participants of the coupling scheme.


<participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
first string First participant to run the solver. none none
second string Second participant to run the solver. none none


Defines the flow of data between meshes of participants.


<exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
data string The data to exchange. none none
from string The participant sending the data. none none
mesh string The mesh which uses the data. none none
to string The participant receiving the data. none none
initialize boolean Should this data be initialized during initialize? 0 none
substeps boolean Should this data exchange substeps? 0 none


Accelerates coupling data with constant underrelaxation.


  <relaxation value="{float}"/>

Valid Subtags:



<relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Constant relaxation factor. none none


Accelerates coupling data with dynamic Aitken under-relaxation.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


To improve the numerical stability of multiple data vectors a preconditioner can be applied. A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data. A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window. A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual. A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse least-squares method.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 100 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 10 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of time windows. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied. - A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse multi-vector Jacobian method.


<acceleration:IQN-IMVJ always-build-jacobian="0">
  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
always-build-jacobian boolean If set to true, the IMVJ will set up the Jacobian matrix in each coupling iteration, which is inefficient. If set to false (or not set) the Jacobian is only build in the last iteration and the updates are computed using (relatively) cheap MATVEC products. 0 none

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Type of IMVJ restart mode that is used:

  • no-restart: IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian
  • RS-ZERO: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows all Jacobain information is dropped, restart with no information
  • RS-LS: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a IQN-LS like approximation for the initial guess of the Jacobian is computed.
  • RS-SVD: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a truncated SVD of the Jacobian is updated.
  • RS-SLIDE: IMVJ runs in sliding window restart mode. If this tag is not provided, IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian.


<imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
truncation-threshold float If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-SVD, the truncation threshold for the updated SVD can be set. 0.0001 none
chunk-size integer Specifies the number of time windows M after which the IMVJ restarts, if run in restart-mode. Default value is M=8. 8 none
reused-time-windows-at-restart integer If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-LS, the number of reused time windows at restart can be specified. 8 none
type string Type of the restart mode. RS-SVD no-restart, RS-0, RS-LS, RS-SVD, RS-SLIDE


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 20 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 0 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied.- A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string Type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Absolute convergence criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{limit}$$


<absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Absolute or relative convergence, which is the disjunction of an absolute criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations and a relative criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations,i.e. convergence is reached as soon as one of the both criteria is fulfilled.$$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{abs-limit}\quad\text{or}\quad\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{rel-limit} $$


<absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
abs-limit float Absolute limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. none none
rel-limit float   none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit} $$


<relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in \((0, 1]\). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion comparing the currently measured residual to the residual of the first iteration in the time window. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^0) - x^0 \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit}$$


<residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Allows to specify a minimum amount of iterations that must be performed per time window.


<min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The minimum amount of iterations. none none


Allows to specify a maximum amount of iterations per time window.


<max-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum value of iterations. none none


Parallel Implicit coupling scheme according to block Jacobi iterations (V-System). Improved implicit iterations are achieved by using a acceleration (recommended!).


  <max-time value="{float}"/>
  <max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
  <time-window-size value="-1"/>
  <participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
  <exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
  <absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <max-iterations value="{integer}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Defined the end of the simulation as total time.


<max-time value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The value of the maximum simulation time. none none


Defined the end of the simulation as a total count of time windows.


<max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum count of time windows. none none


Defines the size of the time window.


<time-window-size value="-1"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The maximum time window size. -1 none


Defines the participants of the coupling scheme.


<participants first="{string}" second="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
first string First participant to run the solver. none none
second string Second participant to run the solver. none none


Defines the flow of data between meshes of participants.


<exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
data string The data to exchange. none none
from string The participant sending the data. none none
mesh string The mesh which uses the data. none none
to string The participant receiving the data. none none
initialize boolean Should this data be initialized during initialize? 0 none
substeps boolean Should this data exchange substeps? 0 none


Accelerates coupling data with constant underrelaxation.


  <relaxation value="{float}"/>

Valid Subtags:



<relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Constant relaxation factor. none none


Accelerates coupling data with dynamic Aitken under-relaxation.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


To improve the numerical stability of multiple data vectors a preconditioner can be applied. A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data. A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window. A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual. A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse least-squares method.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 100 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 10 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of time windows. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied. - A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse multi-vector Jacobian method.


<acceleration:IQN-IMVJ always-build-jacobian="0">
  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
always-build-jacobian boolean If set to true, the IMVJ will set up the Jacobian matrix in each coupling iteration, which is inefficient. If set to false (or not set) the Jacobian is only build in the last iteration and the updates are computed using (relatively) cheap MATVEC products. 0 none

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Type of IMVJ restart mode that is used:

  • no-restart: IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian
  • RS-ZERO: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows all Jacobain information is dropped, restart with no information
  • RS-LS: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a IQN-LS like approximation for the initial guess of the Jacobian is computed.
  • RS-SVD: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a truncated SVD of the Jacobian is updated.
  • RS-SLIDE: IMVJ runs in sliding window restart mode. If this tag is not provided, IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian.


<imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
truncation-threshold float If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-SVD, the truncation threshold for the updated SVD can be set. 0.0001 none
chunk-size integer Specifies the number of time windows M after which the IMVJ restarts, if run in restart-mode. Default value is M=8. 8 none
reused-time-windows-at-restart integer If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-LS, the number of reused time windows at restart can be specified. 8 none
type string Type of the restart mode. RS-SVD no-restart, RS-0, RS-LS, RS-SVD, RS-SLIDE


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 20 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 0 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied.- A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string Type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Absolute convergence criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{limit}$$


<absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Absolute or relative convergence, which is the disjunction of an absolute criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations and a relative criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations,i.e. convergence is reached as soon as one of the both criteria is fulfilled.$$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{abs-limit}\quad\text{or}\quad\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{rel-limit} $$


<absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
abs-limit float Absolute limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. none none
rel-limit float   none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit} $$


<relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in \((0, 1]\). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion comparing the currently measured residual to the residual of the first iteration in the time window. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^0) - x^0 \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit}$$


<residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Allows to specify a minimum amount of iterations that must be performed per time window.


<min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The minimum amount of iterations. none none


Allows to specify a maximum amount of iterations per time window.


<max-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum value of iterations. none none


Multi coupling scheme according to block Jacobi iterations. Improved implicit iterations are achieved by using a acceleration (recommended!).


  <max-time value="{float}"/>
  <max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
  <time-window-size value="-1"/>
  <participant name="{string}" control="0"/>
  <exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
  <absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
  <min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <max-iterations value="{integer}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Defined the end of the simulation as total time.


<max-time value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The value of the maximum simulation time. none none


Defined the end of the simulation as a total count of time windows.


<max-time-windows value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum count of time windows. none none


Defines the size of the time window.


<time-window-size value="-1"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float The maximum time window size. -1 none



<participant name="{string}" control="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
name string Name of the participant. none none
control boolean Does this participant control the coupling? 0 none


Defines the flow of data between meshes of participants.


<exchange data="{string}" from="{string}" mesh="{string}" to="{string}" initialize="0" substeps="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
data string The data to exchange. none none
from string The participant sending the data. none none
mesh string The mesh which uses the data. none none
to string The participant receiving the data. none none
initialize boolean Should this data be initialized during initialize? 0 none
substeps boolean Should this data exchange substeps? 0 none


Accelerates coupling data with constant underrelaxation.


  <relaxation value="{float}"/>

Valid Subtags:



<relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Constant relaxation factor. none none


Accelerates coupling data with dynamic Aitken under-relaxation.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


To improve the numerical stability of multiple data vectors a preconditioner can be applied. A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data. A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window. A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual. A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse least-squares method.


  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 100 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 10 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of time windows. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied. - A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string The type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Accelerates coupling data with the interface quasi-Newton inverse multi-vector Jacobian method.


<acceleration:IQN-IMVJ always-build-jacobian="0">
  <initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
  <imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
  <max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
  <time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
  <data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
  <filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
  <preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
always-build-jacobian boolean If set to true, the IMVJ will set up the Jacobian matrix in each coupling iteration, which is inefficient. If set to false (or not set) the Jacobian is only build in the last iteration and the updates are computed using (relatively) cheap MATVEC products. 0 none

Valid Subtags:


Initial relaxation factor. If this tag is not provided, an initial relaxation of 0.1 is used.


<initial-relaxation value="{float}" enforce="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value float Initial relaxation factor. none none
enforce boolean Enforce initial relaxation in every time window. 0 none


Type of IMVJ restart mode that is used:

  • no-restart: IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian
  • RS-ZERO: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows all Jacobain information is dropped, restart with no information
  • RS-LS: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a IQN-LS like approximation for the initial guess of the Jacobian is computed.
  • RS-SVD: IMVJ runs in restart mode. After M time windows a truncated SVD of the Jacobian is updated.
  • RS-SLIDE: IMVJ runs in sliding window restart mode. If this tag is not provided, IMVJ runs in normal mode with explicit representation of Jacobian.


<imvj-restart-mode truncation-threshold="0.0001" chunk-size="8" reused-time-windows-at-restart="8" type="RS-SVD"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
truncation-threshold float If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-SVD, the truncation threshold for the updated SVD can be set. 0.0001 none
chunk-size integer Specifies the number of time windows M after which the IMVJ restarts, if run in restart-mode. Default value is M=8. 8 none
reused-time-windows-at-restart integer If IMVJ restart-mode=RS-LS, the number of reused time windows at restart can be specified. 8 none
type string Type of the restart mode. RS-SVD no-restart, RS-0, RS-LS, RS-SVD, RS-SLIDE


Maximum number of columns used in low-rank approximation of Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the default attribute value of 20 is used.


<max-used-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


Number of past time windows from which columns are used to approximate Jacobian. If this tag is not provided, the attribute value of 0 is used.


<time-windows-reused value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The number of columns. none none


The data used to compute the acceleration.


<data scaling="1" mesh="{string}" name="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
scaling float To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes, each data set can be manually scaled using this scaling factor with preconditioner type = “constant”. For all other preconditioner types, the factor is ignored. We recommend, however, to use an automatic scaling via a preconditioner. 1 none
mesh string The name of the mesh which holds the data. none none
name string The name of the data. none none


Type of filtering technique that is used to maintain good conditioning in the least-squares system. Possible filters:

  • QR1-filter: updateQR-dec with (relative) test \(R(i,i) < \epsilon *\lVert R\rVert_F\)
  • QR1_absolute-filter: updateQR-dec with (absolute) test \(R(i, i) < \epsilon\)
  • QR2-filter: en-block QR-dec with test \(\lVert v_\text{orth} \rVert_2 < \epsilon * \lVert v \rVert_2\)

Please note that a QR1 is based on Given’s rotations whereas QR2 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. This can give different results even when no columns are filtered out. When this tag is not provided, the QR2-filter with the limit value 1e-2 is used.


<filter limit="1e-16" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit eps of the filter. 1e-16 none
type string Type of the filter. none QR1, QR1-absolute, QR2


To improve the performance of a parallel or a multi coupling schemes a preconditioner can be applied.- A constant preconditioner scales every acceleration data by a constant value, which you can define as an attribute of data.

  • A value preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the norm of the data in the previous time window.
  • A residual preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the current residual.
  • A residual-sum preconditioner scales every acceleration data by the sum of the residuals from the current time window. If this tag is not provided, the residual-sum preconditioner is employed.


<preconditioner freeze-after="-1" type="{string}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
freeze-after integer After the given number of time windows, the preconditioner weights are frozen and the preconditioner acts like a constant preconditioner. -1 none
type string Type of the preconditioner. none constant, value, residual, residual-sum


Absolute convergence criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{limit}$$


<absolute-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Absolute or relative convergence, which is the disjunction of an absolute criterion based on the two-norm difference of data values between iterations and a relative criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations,i.e. convergence is reached as soon as one of the both criteria is fulfilled.$$\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2 < \text{abs-limit}\quad\text{or}\quad\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{rel-limit} $$


<absolute-or-relative-convergence-measure abs-limit="{float}" rel-limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
abs-limit float Absolute limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. none none
rel-limit float   none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion based on the relative two-norm difference of data values between iterations. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^k) \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit} $$


<relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in \((0, 1]\). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Relative convergence criterion comparing the currently measured residual to the residual of the first iteration in the time window. $$\frac{\left\lVert H(x^k) - x^k \right\rVert_2}{\left\lVert H(x^0) - x^0 \right\rVert_2} < \text{limit}$$


<residual-relative-convergence-measure limit="{float}" data="{string}" mesh="{string}" strict="0" suffices="0"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
limit float Limit under which the measure is considered to have converged. Must be in ((0, 1]). none none
data string Data to be measured. none none
mesh string Mesh holding the data. none none
strict boolean If true, non-convergence of this measure ends the simulation. “strict” overrules “suffices”. 0 none
suffices boolean If true, convergence of this measure is sufficient for overall convergence. 0 none


Allows to specify a minimum amount of iterations that must be performed per time window.


<min-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The minimum amount of iterations. none none


Allows to specify a maximum amount of iterations per time window.


<max-iterations value="{integer}"/>
Attribute Type Description Default Options
value integer The maximum value of iterations. none none