Updated 27 Sep 24

There are various codes - free and proprietary ones - currently coupled with preCICE. If you want to add your code here, please let us know.

Official adapters

We host adapters for the following codes in the preCICE GitHub organization and we maintain them to work with the latest release of preCICE (unless stated otherwise).

Adapter for Contact Resources Typical applications Comments
CalculiX preCICE Developers code, docs Structure part in CHT, FSI  
code_aster preCICE Developers code, docs Structure part in CHT  
deal.II preCICE Developers code, docs Structure part in FSI, any FEM  
DuMuX preCICE Developers code, docs Darcy-scale in multiscale, porous media  
DUNE preCICE Developers code, docs Structure part in FSI  
FEniCS preCICE Developers code, docs Structure part in CHT, FSI, any FEM See also FEniCS-X below (WIP)
Nutils preCICE Developers docs Structure part in CHT, any FEM  
OpenFOAM preCICE Developers code, docs Fluid part in CHT, FSI, FF  
SU2 preCICE Developers code, docs Fluid part in FSI Maintainer needed

Third-party adapters

The preCICE community has successfully coupled the following codes with preCICE for community projects. Wherever meaningful (license, maturity of the project, no other home), we host the code repository.

Adapter for Contact Resources Typical applications Comments
Alya TUM SCCS   Fluid and structure part in FSI Not actively maintained (but not abandoned)
Ansys Fluent preCICE Developers code, docs Fluid part in FSI Experimental
Ateles (APES) Univ. Siegen STS code Fluid-Acousting, Fluid-Fluid coupling  
COMSOL Multiphysics preCICE Developers code Structure part in FSI Currently not maintained
DUNE Max Firmbach, UniBW M Thesis, code Structure part in FSI  
DUNE-Fem Niklas Kotarsky, Lund University coupled example code Structure part in CHT, any FEM  
Elmer FEM Benjamin Rodenberg, TUM Thesis, code Structure part in CHT, FSI, any FEM looking for maintainers!
ExaDG David Schneider, US code Fluid or Structure part in FSI  
FASTEST TU Darmstadt FNB None Fluid-Structure-Acoustics interaction  
FEAP TU Darmstadt FNB None Structure part in FSI  
FEniCS-X Benjamin Rodenberg, TUM code Structure part in CHT, FSI, any FEM looking for maintainers!
G+Smo TU Delft Numerical Analysis code Structure part in CHT  
ISSM Daniel Abele, DLR Software Technology code Ice sheet model  
LS-DYNA LKR code example Continuous metal casting process  
MBDyn TU Delft Wind Energy code Structure part in FSI  
MBDyn Politecnico di Milano DAER documentation, code Structure part in FSI  
OpenFAST Leonard Willeke, TU Delft Wind Energy code, report Structure part in FSI Experimental
Palabos University of Stuttgart code Fluid-Structure interaction (Experimental)  

Legacy adapters

These adapters and/or the respective solvers are not maintained and might not work anymore, but are listed here as an example of which other projects have used preCICE in the past.

Adapter for Contact Resources Typical applications Comments
Carat++ TUM Statik None Structure part of FSI  
EFD TUM SCCS code Fluid part of FSI  
foam-extend TU Delft Aerodynamics code Fluid and structure part of FSI, Fluid-Fluid coupling  
Peano Durham University None Fluid part of FSI