preCICE v3.1.2
No Matches
Todo List
Member precice::acceleration::impl::ParallelMatrixOperations::_multiplyNM_block (Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived1 > &leftMatrix, Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived2 > &rightMatrix, Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived2 > &result, const std::vector< int > &offsets, int p, int q, int r)
: only primary rank should allocate memory.
Member precice::com::serialize::SerializedBoundingBox::toBoundingBox () const
replace the coord mess after refactoring of AABB to min and max points
Member precice::com::serialize::SerializedBoundingBoxMap::toBoundingBoxMap () const
replace the coord mess after refactoring of AABB to min and max points
Member precice::cplscheme::BaseCouplingScheme::anyDataRequiresInitialization (DataMap &dataMap) const
implement this function using
Member precice::impl::ParticipantImpl::mesh (const std::string &meshName) const
try to remove or make private. See
Member precice::impl::ParticipantImpl::resetMesh (std::string_view meshName)
Currently not supported as we would need to re-compute the re-partition
Member precice::impl::ParticipantState::exportIntermediate (IntermediateExport exp)
this is the global iteration count. Shouldn't this be local to the timestep? example .dtN.itM or similar
Member precice::m2n::DistributedCommunication::_mesh
maybe change this directly to vertexDistribution
Member precice::m2n::GatherScatterCommunication::acceptPreConnection (std::string const &acceptorName, std::string const &requesterName) override
: Ideally this should not be here
Member precice::m2n::GatherScatterCommunication::requestPreConnection (std::string const &acceptorName, std::string const &requesterName) override
: Ideally this should not be here
Member precice::m2n::M2N::getPrimaryRankCommunication ()
maybe it would be a nicer design to not offer this
Member precice::mesh::Mesh::clearPartitioning ()
this should be handled by the Partition
Member precice::time::Sample::values
Change to matrix so that values.col(i) gets the value at vertex i
Member precice::utils::mismatch (InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2)