11#include "boost/noncopyable.hpp"
26namespace profiling {
39struct TestConfigurationPeano;
40struct TestConfigurationComsol;
47class CouplingSchemeConfiguration;
79 int solverProcessIndex,
80 int solverProcessSize,
101 void advance(
double computedTimeStepSize);
229 double relativeReadTime,
Main class for preCICE XML configuration tree.
Implementation of Participant. See also pimpl ideom (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/pimpl...
Which channels to close in closeCommunicationChannels()
std::map< std::string, int > _meshIDs
mesh name to mesh ID mapping.
void writeGradientData(std::string_view meshName, std::string_view dataName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices, ::precice::span< const double > gradients)
Writes vector gradient data to a mesh.
int getMeshVertexSize(std::string_view meshName) const
Returns the number of vertices of a mesh.
utils::MultiLock< std::string > _meshLock
void setMeshQuad(std::string_view meshName, VertexID first, VertexID second, VertexID third, VertexID fourth)
Sets a planar surface mesh quadrangle from vertex IDs.
bool requiresInitialData()
void setMeshTetrahedra(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices)
Sets multiple mesh tetrahedra from vertex IDs.
bool requiresGradientDataFor(std::string_view meshName, std::string_view dataName) const
Checks if the given data set requires gradient data. We check if the data object has been initialized...
int getDataDimensions(std::string_view meshName, std::string_view dataName) const
Returns the spatial dimensionality of the given data on the given mesh.
impl::PtrParticipant determineAccessingParticipant(const config::Configuration &config)
Determines participant accessing this interface from the configuration.
void advanceCouplingScheme()
Advances the coupling schemes.
void computePartitions()
Communicate meshes and create partitions.
void setMeshEdge(std::string_view meshName, VertexID first, VertexID second)
Sets a mesh edge from vertex IDs.
std::vector< impl::PtrParticipant > _participants
Holds information about solvers participating in the coupled simulation.
bool requiresMeshConnectivityFor(std::string_view meshName) const
Checks if the given mesh requires connectivity.
void setMeshTriangles(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices)
Sets multiple mesh triangles from vertex IDs.
int _executedReadMappings
Counts the amount of samples mapped in read mappings executed in the latest advance.
void performDataActions(const std::set< action::Action::Timing > &timings)
Performs all data actions with given timing.
ParticipantImpl & operator=(ParticipantImpl &&)=delete
Disable move assignment.
void setMeshTriangle(std::string_view meshName, VertexID first, VertexID second, VertexID third)
Sets mesh triangle from vertex IDs.
void configurePartitions(const m2n::M2NConfiguration::SharedPointer &m2nConfig)
Determines participants providing meshes to other participants.
bool requiresWritingCheckpoint()
double getMaxTimeStepSize() const
Get the maximum allowed time step size of the current window.
cplscheme::PtrCouplingScheme _couplingScheme
long int _numberAdvanceCalls
Counts calls to advance for plotting.
bool _allowsExperimental
Are experimental API calls allowed?
void handleDataBeforeAdvance(bool reachedTimeWindowEnd, double timeSteppedTo)
Completes everything data-related between adding time to and advancing the coupling scheme.
ParticipantImpl(ParticipantImpl &&)=delete
Disable move construction.
void setMeshTetrahedron(std::string_view meshName, VertexID first, VertexID second, VertexID third, VertexID fourth)
Set tetrahedron in 3D mesh from vertex ID.
void handleDataAfterAdvance(bool reachedTimeWindowEnd, bool isTimeWindowComplete, double timeSteppedTo, double timeAfterAdvance, const cplscheme::ImplicitData &receivedData)
Completes everything data-related after advancing the coupling scheme.
void samplizeWriteData(double time)
Creates a Stample at the given time for each write Data and zeros the buffers.
void setMeshQuads(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices)
Sets multiple mesh quads from vertex IDs.
void getMeshVertexIDsAndCoordinates(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< VertexID > ids, ::precice::span< double > coordinates) const
getMeshVertexIDsAndCoordinates Iterates over the region of interest defined by bounding boxes and rea...
int _accessorCommunicatorSize
Represents the various states a Participant can be in.
void closeCommunicationChannels(CloseChannels cc)
Syncs the primary ranks of all connected participants.
void trimSendDataAfter(double time)
Discards send (currently write) data of a participant after a given time when another iteration is re...
std::unique_ptr< profiling::Event > _solverInitEvent
ParticipantImpl(std::string_view participantName, std::string_view configurationFileName, int solverProcessIndex, int solverProcessSize, std::optional< void * > communicator)
Generic constructor for ParticipantImpl.
void advance(double computedTimeStepSize)
Advances preCICE after the solver has computed one time step.
std::string _accessorName
void setMeshAccessRegion(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const double > boundingBox) const
setMeshAccessRegion Define a region of interest on a received mesh (<receive-mesh ....
ParticipantImpl & operator=(ParticipantImpl const &)=delete
Disable assignment construction.
void writeData(std::string_view meshName, std::string_view dataName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices, ::precice::span< const double > values)
Writes data to a mesh.
bool _accessRegionDefined
setMeshAccessRegion may only be called once
void mapInitialReadData()
bool isCouplingOngoing() const
Checks if the coupled simulation is still ongoing.
State _state
The current State of the Participant.
void configure(const config::Configuration &configuration)
Configures the coupling interface with a prepared configuration.
void mapInitialWrittenData()
Computes, and performs write mappings of the initial data in initialize.
impl::PtrParticipant _accessor
void handleExports()
Exports meshes with data and watch point data.
void setMeshVertices(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const double > positions, ::precice::span< VertexID > ids)
Creates multiple mesh vertices.
ParticipantImpl(ParticipantImpl const &)=delete
Disable copy construction.
friend struct Integration::Serial::Whitebox::TestConfigurationPeano
To allow white box tests.
void resetMesh(std::string_view meshName)
MappedSamples mappedSamples() const
Returns the amount of mapped read and write samples in the last call to advance.
void finalize()
Finalizes preCICE.
int _dimensions
Spatial dimensions of problem.
bool requiresReadingCheckpoint()
int _executedWriteMappings
Counts the amount of samples mapped in write mappings executed in the latest advance.
void configureM2Ns(const m2n::M2NConfiguration::SharedPointer &config)
void trimReadMappedData(double timeAfterAdvance, bool isTimeWindowComplete, const cplscheme::ImplicitData &fromData)
Removes samples in mapped to data connected to received data via a mapping.
std::map< std::string, m2n::BoundM2N > _m2ns
bool isTimeWindowComplete() const
Checks if the current coupling window is completed.
friend struct Integration::Serial::Whitebox::TestConfigurationComsol
void setMeshEdges(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices)
Sets multiple mesh edges from vertex IDs.
VertexID setMeshVertex(std::string_view meshName, ::precice::span< const double > position)
Creates a mesh vertex.
void syncTimestep(double computedTimeStepSize)
Syncs the time step size between all ranks (all time steps sizes should be the same!...
void readData(std::string_view meshName, std::string_view dataName, ::precice::span< const VertexID > vertices, double relativeReadTime, ::precice::span< double > values) const
Reads data values from a mesh. Values correspond to a given point in time relative to the beginning o...
const mesh::Mesh & mesh(const std::string &meshName) const
Allows to access a registered mesh.
void compareBoundingBoxes()
Communicate bounding boxes and look for overlaps.
bool _waitInFinalize
Are participants waiting for each other in finalize?
void initializeIntraCommunication()
Initializes intra-participant communication.
void resetWrittenData()
Resets written data.
void trimOldDataBefore(double time)
Discards data before the given time for all meshes and data known by this participant.
std::unique_ptr< profiling::Event > _solverAdvanceEvent
void configure(std::string_view configurationFileName)
Configures the coupling interface from the given xml file.
void mapWrittenData(std::optional< double > after=std::nullopt)
Computes, and performs suitable write mappings either entirely or after given time.
void initialize()
Fully initializes preCICE and coupling data.
void computeMappings(std::vector< MappingContext > &contexts, const std::string &mappingType)
Helper for mapWrittenData and mapReadData.
int getMeshDimensions(std::string_view meshName) const
Returns the spatial dimensionality of the given mesh.
This class provides a lightweight logger.
Container and creator for meshes.
A C++ 11 implementation of the non-owning C++20 std::span type.
Class handling multiple locks allowing global lock and unlock operations.
Main namespace of the precice library.
static std::unique_ptr< precice::Participant > impl