Stores a mesh and related objects and data.
mesh::PtrMesh mesh
Mesh holding the geometry data structure.
mapping::Mapping::MeshRequirement meshRequirement
Determines which mesh type has to be provided by the accessor.
partition::PtrPartition partition
Partition creating the parallel decomposition of the mesh.
partition::ReceivedPartition::GeometricFilter geoFilter
type of geometric filter
std::vector< MappingContext > toMappingContexts
Mappings used when mapping data to the mesh. Can be empty.
std::string receiveMeshFrom
Name of participant that creates the mesh.
bool provideMesh
True, if accessor does create the mesh.
std::vector< MappingContext > fromMappingContexts
Mappings used when mapping data from the mesh. Can be empty.
void require(mapping::Mapping::MeshRequirement requirement)
double safetyFactor
bounding box to speed up decomposition of received mesh is increased by this safety factor