This tutorial is a modified version of the “partitioned heat conduction” tutorial showcasing direct mesh access.


This case is a modified version of the partitioned heat conduction tutorial. Main modification is that we here use the direct mesh access feature to let the solvers compute the data mapping and not preCICE.

Further minor modifications:

  • We use a parallel coupling scheme instead of a serial one to prevent running into the problem where we are trying to add a zero column to the quasi-Newton matrix. For serial coupling, this happens here because one data field converges much faster than the other.


preCICE configuration (image generated using the precice-config-visualizer):

preCICE configuration visualization

Available solvers

Currently only nutils is provided as a solver. The data mapping is computed by directly sampling the FEM function representation at the inquired locations.

Running the simulation

Open two terminals and run:

cd neumann-nutils


cd dirichlet-nutils

See the partitioned heat conduction tutorial.