Using a steady-state OpenFOAM solver for a CHT coupling with code_aster. This tutorial is based on the “flow over a heated plate” scenario.
Updated 10 Dec 24


The setup for this tutorial is similar to the flow over a heated plate using OpenFOAM. In this tutorial OpenFOAM is used as the solver for the fluid domain, and code_aster is the solver for the solid domain. A difference here is that we are using a steady-state OpenFOAM solver for demonstration purposes, therefore the results between the two tutorials are not comparable.


preCICE configuration (image generated using the precice-config-visualizer):

preCICE configuration visualization

Available solvers

Fluid participant:

  • OpenFOAM. We use buoyantSimpleFoam instead of the transient buoyantPimpleFoam. For more information, have a look at the OpenFOAM adapter documentation.

Solid participant:

Running the Simulation

Open two separate terminals and start each participant by calling the respective script.


Firstly, enable the ParaViS view in Salome-Meca by selecting the icon in the top of the screen.

For visualizing the results of the fluid solver, go to File -> Open ParaView File and select the fluid-openfoam.foam file. If you’re asked to choose a reader, please select OpenFOAMReader and click Apply to visualize the result.

For visualizing the result of the solid solver, press again Open ParaView File and select the output-..rmed group. Again, click Apply to visualize the result. After setting the temperature scale for both domains to 300-310 K, the following result is given for timestep 200:


The .rmed file output from Code_Aster can be viewed using GMSH. The result is as follows:
