Updated 26 Jul 24

The WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024 will take place in Vancouver, Canada, between July 21-26.

We are again organizing a preCICE minisymposium: Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE (0415). Preliminary schedule:

  • Session 1 (TS7, Wed 9:45-11:45):
    • A quick introduction to the coupling library preCICE and the minisymposium (Gerasimos Chourdakis, University of Stuttgart)
    • Micro manager: a tool for multiscale coupling with preCICE (Ishaan Desai, University of Stuttgart)
    • Gismo & WaterLily adapters for the preCICE coupling library (Marin Lauber, Delft University of Technology)
    • Overview of multiphysics coupling efforts at LLNL for advanced energy applications (Jerome Solberg, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  • Session 2 (TS8, Wed 14:00-16:00):
    • Speed up the multi-scale simulations with preCICE and MicroManager: resuts for a porous media flow (Jun Chen, University of Stuttgart)
    • Flexible macro-micro coupling for spatial simulation of the liver (Steffen Gerhäusser, University of Stuttgart)
    • A coupled two-muscle-one-tendon model of the agonist-antagonist myoneural interface (Carme Homs Pons, University of Stuttgart)

Next to the minisymposium, we are also organizing a full-day training course in the context of the conference and we are contributing a general poster about preCICE and the new preECO project.

Other talks mentioning preCICE in their abstract:

Feel free to ask questions in the corresponding thread of the forum and watch this page for updates.