We solve an oscillator with two masses in a partitioned fashion with overlapping domain decomposition. Each mass is solved by an independent ODE.
Updated 22 Oct 24


This tutorial solves the same problem as the oscillator tutorial, but applies a different domain decomposition strategy. See the oscillator tutorial for details on the general setup. The partitioning of the mass-spring system is shown here:

Schematic drawing of oscillator example with overlapping domain decomposition

Note that this case applies an overlapping Schwarz-type coupling method and not (like most other tutorials in this repository) a Dirichlet-Neumann coupling. This results in a symmetric setup of the solvers. We will refer to the solver computing the trajectory of $m_1$ as Mass-Left and to the solver computing the trajectory of $m_2$ as Mass-Right. For more information, please refer to [1].


preCICE configuration (image generated using the precice-config-visualizer):

preCICE configuration visualization

Available solvers

This tutorial is only available in Python. You need to have preCICE and the Python bindings installed on your system.

  • Python: An example solver using the preCICE Python bindings. This solver also depends on the Python libraries numpy, which you can get from your system package manager or with pip3 install --user <package>.

Running the Simulation


Open two separate terminals and start both participants by calling:

cd python
./run.sh -l


cd python
./run.sh -r