This tutorial describes how to run a conjugate heat transfer coupled simulation using preCICE and CalculiX as solid solver, which requires two meshes instead of one.


The scenario is exactly the same as the one described in the flow over heated plate tutorial. However, this tutorial is specialized for the case when heat fluxes and temperatures live on different meshes. This is the case with CalculiX: heat fluxes are written on face centers, while temperatures are read on nodes. This requires updating the precice-config.xml file to take this into account. On the fluid side, a single mesh can still be used.


preCICE configuration (image generated using the precice-config-visualizer):

preCICE configuration visualization

Available solvers

By default, the fluid participant reads heat-flux values and the solid participant reads temperature values for the coupled simulation. The following participants are available:

Fluid participant:

Solid participant:

Running the Simulation

Open two separate terminals and start the desired fluid and solid participant by calling the respective run script located in the participant directory. For example:

cd fluid-openfoam


cd solid-calculix


On the OpenFOAM side, you can open the .foam file with ParaView, or create VTK files with foamToVTK. CalculiX outputs .frd files which can be opened with cgx or converted into VTK files using the converter available in the adapter repository.

CalculiX produces 1000 result files, which one can then synchronize with OpenFOAM using the “Temporal Shift Scale” filter on the CalculiX results, using a scale of 0.01. This is because CalculiX considers that each time window (of length 0.01 by default) is one time step, and increases the total time by 1 in the VTK files. Since the two datasets use different data names for temperature, just use the same scale for temperature on both outputs (from 300K to 310K, which should be the minimum and maximum values in this setup). Alternatively, apply a “Calculator” filter on the CalculiX results, creating a variable T as a point data field with values from NDTEMP_T, and then group the two data sets.