preCICE is developed in the groups of Benjamin Uekermann (Usability and Sustainability of Simulation Software) and Miriam Schulte (Simulation of Large Systems) at the University of Stuttgart and in the group of Hans-Joachim Bungartz (Scientific Computing in Computer Science) at the Technical University of Munich. Support contracts are offered through TTI GmbH.
For the full list of contributors to preCICE please see our community page.
The conceptual ideas of preCICE are not completely new. preCICE is an advancement of FSI*ce, developed by Markus Brenk.
Planning and development of
The website in its current form was planned and implemented by CH Lorenz Research and Innovation Consulting together with the preCICE team. For more information contact Christopher Lorenz at christopher[dot]lorenz[at]chlorenz[dot]ug.
DFG call on research software usability
Funding number: 528693298
Years running: 2023–2026
SFB 1313 – Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation
Funding number: 327154368
Years running: 2018–2026
Priority Programme SPP 2311 – Robust coupling of continuum-biomechanical in silico models to establish active biological system models for later use in clinical applications - Co-design of modeling, numerics and usability
Funding number: 465243391
Years running: 2021–2025
Individual research grant
Funding number: 515015468
Years running: 2022–2025
Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 SimTech – Data-Integrated Simulation Science under Germany's Excellence Strategy
Funding number: 390740016
Years running: 2024–2025
BMUV (project management agency GRS)
Funding number: 1501593
Years running: 2019–2023
KONWIHR – Competence Network for Scientific HPC in Bavaria
Years running: 2021-2023
Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 SimTech – Data-Integrated Simulation Science under Germany's Excellence Strategy
Funding number: 390740016
Years running: 2021–2023
DFG call on research software sustainability
Funding number: 391150578
Years running: 2018–2022
KONWIHR – Competence Network for Scientific HPC in Bavaria
Years running: 2020-2021
SPPEXA – Priority Programme SPP 1648 – Software for Exascale Computing
Funding number: 230798225
Years running: 2012–2020
EuroTech PostDoc Program. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754462.
Funding number: 754462
Years running: 2019–2020
Prince XML
We use a non-commercial license of Prince XML to generate the PDF version of the documentation. For more information see our meta documentation page.
Website analytics
We use the open-source and privacy-friendly analytics service Plausible. Everyone can see the analytics for this website.
This website is maintained by
Benjamin Uekermann -
Universität Stuttgart -
Universitätsstraße 38 -
70569 Stuttgart
You can find the preCICE privacy policy here.

preCICE is tasty because it is made with love by its contributors.