42 double timeWindowSize,
54 bool requiresInitialization,
55 bool exchangeSubsteps,
62 bool requiresInitialization,
63 bool exchangeSubsteps,
Abstract base class for standard coupling schemes.
std::string localParticipant() const override final
Returns the name of the local participant.
A coupling scheme with multiple participants.
std::string _controller
name of the controller participant
std::map< std::string, m2n::PtrM2N > _m2ns
A vector of m2ns. A m2n is a communication device to the other coupling participant.
void addDataToSend(const mesh::PtrData &data, mesh::PtrMesh mesh, bool requiresInitialization, bool exchangeSubsteps, const std::string &to)
Adds data to be sent on data exchange and possibly be modified during coupling iterations.
void determineInitialDataExchange() override
Determines which data is initialized and therefore has to be exchanged during initialize.
void initializeReceiveDataStorage() override final
Functions needed for initialize()
void exchangeInitialData() override final
implements functionality for initialize in base class.
bool hasAnySendData() override final
void exchangeFirstData() override final
Functions needed for advance()
MultiCouplingScheme(double maxTime, int maxTimeWindows, double timeWindowSize, const std::string &localParticipant, std::map< std::string, m2n::PtrM2N > m2ns, constants::TimesteppingMethod dtMethod, const std::string &controller, int minIterations, int maxIterations)
void exchangeSecondData() override final
Exchanges the second set of data.
std::map< std::string, DataMap > _sendDataVector
A vector of all data to be sent.
bool _isController
if this is the controller or not
std::vector< std::string > getCouplingPartners() const override final
Returns list of all coupling partners.
void addDataToReceive(const mesh::PtrData &data, mesh::PtrMesh mesh, bool requiresInitialization, bool exchangeSubsteps, const std::string &from)
Adds data to be received on data exchange.
DataMap & getAccelerationData() override final
interface to provide accelerated data, depending on coupling scheme being used
std::map< std::string, DataMap > _receiveDataVector
A vector of all data to be received.
This class provides a lightweight logger.
Main namespace of the precice library.